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怙主 初璽仁波切為近代寧瑪派所公認的第五代掌教領袖;於敏卓林睡覺法王於2008年示寂後,西元2010年,仁波切終於接受寧瑪派眾多重要傳承上師的請求,昇座擔任寧瑪派掌教法王。

初璽仁波切於西元2002年時,曾應桑桑仁波切之邀請,而短暫蒞台弘法。此驚鴻一瞥,一如敏卓林第十一任澈清座主(睡覺法王 ) ─ ─ 「是首次蒞臺,但也是最後一次」;對於台灣的藏傳佛教信眾,甚至是寧瑪派的弟子,在說起「初璽仁波切」 時,雖有印象,但往往於第一時間並未能有特別的覺受。然而,倘若說起初璽仁波切是頂果欽哲法王的心子,也是認證 頂果欽哲揚希仁波切的重要上師,常能見及於頂果欽哲法王的相關歷史照片中,我想,很多人就能立即恍然大悟,大抵也就知道是哪位長老大德了!

顯然,由於頂果欽哲仁波切對初璽仁波切的肯定,故令許多人誤以為初璽仁波切系出雪謙傳承。但了解藏傳寧瑪派歷史淵源者咸知,初璽仁波切於四歲時,為敏卓林傳 承分寺─札龍瀑寺的住持 雅旺滇津諾布仁波切( Ngawang Tenzin Norbu Rinoche )所認證,在十歲時受了沙彌戒。當初璽仁波切十九歲時,摯愛的上師圓寂了,出於上師的願望,初璽仁波切除了接任上師札龍瀑寺的住持之位,並依由師願,前往敏卓林祖寺學法,成為敏林炯仁波切和第八任 敏林堪千仁波切的入室弟子。爾後,西藏政局丕變,初璽仁波切背著自己上師  雅旺滇津諾布仁波切的舍利法體,翻山越嶺流亡至尼泊爾。其後,仁波切方依止 敦珠法王與頂果欽哲法王為師。( )

仁波切圓寂之後,寺院的法務行政與尋找轉世靈童的責任,自然的落在仁波切的親近弟子─隨侍 雅旺曲培喇嘛的身上。因此,雅旺曲培喇嘛向 敏卓林傳承的當今傳承領袖─第十二任 敏林澈清法王與 敏林堪千仁波切請求協助,希望能早日尋找到初璽仁波切的轉世靈童。

當今的 敏林澈清法王為此鄭重祈禱三寶與蓮師,於淨觀之中,獲得 初璽仁波切已然轉世的徵兆,並且寫下轉世靈童之父親為確令祖古─雅旺確巴嘉措、母親的名字─徹旺卓瑪等相關訊息。雅旺曲培喇嘛依照 敏林澈清法王淨觀所示,順利尋獲符合各項徵兆與訊息所示的轉世靈童!由於 初璽仁波切為寧瑪派重要上師,也是達賴尊者之上師,以為慎重之故,於情於理將此佳音(由第十二任 敏林澈清法王由淨觀獲得的徵兆與訊息)呈稟達賴尊者鑒知。

雅旺曲培喇嘛遵照 達賴尊者所囑,進行了數月的修持法會。圓滿之後,達賴喇嘛便鄭重宣告:「此靈童─雅旺巔增羅卓繞薩(語自在持教聰慧極明)無庸置疑的,正為怙主 初璽仁波切的轉世;一切均如第十二任敏林澈清座主之淨觀所見。」

西元2015年7月20日,適逢藏曆佛陀初轉法輪日,趁此佳節與良好的緣起,初璽仁波切之「揚希」轉世靈童─雅旺巔增羅卓繞薩(語自在持教聰慧極明) 於寧瑪派敏林堪千仁波切、闊千仁波切、領果祖古仁波切等諸多賢達、堪布與居士大德之觀禮見證之下,於達蘭沙拉,舉行向達賴尊者獻髮之儀式,正式成為佛弟子!

印度敏卓林寺全體僧眾與社區之居士,亦於翌日( 2015年7月21日),向置於法座上之初璽「揚希」轉世靈童之法照,獻上供養與哈達,以表真切之歡喜與敬意!


貝瑪慈寧│佛陀初轉法輪日 ~ 2015年7月20-21日│台北



初璽仁波切之「揚希」轉世靈童─雅旺巔增羅卓繞薩(語自在持教聰慧極明) 於Dharamsala



初璽仁波切之「揚希」轉世靈童 於Nechung monastery






所謂受密巖烏金敏卓林三恩之下劣弟子 ──

釋迦沙門雅旺卻吉羅卓稱揚 ( 語自在法慧 )之稱揚之 

 (  2002.10.1 初璽法王於台灣時所親書 )



Reincarnation Celebration at Mindrolling
                               July 20, 2015

Mindrolling Monastery celebrated the wonderful and most blessed occasion of the Reincarnation of Kyabje Trulshig Rinpoche that was officially declared by His Holiness the Dalai Lama on July 20th, the 4th day of the 6th month according to the lunar calendar. This date is a very auspicious day according to the lunar calendar as it represents the first turning of the Wheel of Dharma by Buddha, known in Tibetan as "Chokhor Duechen." 


The monastery celebrated with prayer offerings to mark this wonderful event. The offering of the Mandala and three representations of Body, Speech and Mind was held on this auspicious day. Rinpoches, tulkus, khenpos, monastic and lay community all offered khatags to the photograph of Yangsi Rinpoche.


獻髮殊勝時刻之紀實|Rejoice the return ~Kyabje Thrulshik Yangsi Rinpoche's Hair Cutting Cermony on  20th July, 2015 07:30 am       



 2015年7月20日, 印度敏卓林寺全體僧眾與社區之居士,向置於法座上之初璽「揚希」轉世靈童之法照,獻上供養與哈達,以表真切之歡喜與敬意!2015.7.21. 

...............【About  Kyabje Trulshig Rinpoche 】

Kyabje Trulshig Rinpoche is one of most pre-eminent and respected masters of the Nyingma lineage. He was born in Tibet , in Lo Talung, a place sacred to the Goddess Tara. When he was 4 years old, he was recognized by the abbot Ngawang Tenzing as the reincarnation of his own heart lama, Trulshig Tendru Dorje.

Trulshig Rinpoche studied at Dza-Rong-Phu with Ngawang Tenzing, and took novice vows at the age of 10. When he was 19, his beloved teacher died, and following his wishes, Rinpoche took his place as Khenpo (abbot) of Dza-Rong-Phu Monastery. Shortly after that, he went to Mindrolling College for further teachings. 

Trulshig Rinpoche took Gelung vows with Chung Ngawang Chodar Rinpoche and Kyentse Norbu Rinpoche, who were his two main teachers at Mindrolling. He also studied with 34 different Lamas, including Mindrolling Dechen Choenzing, learning many aspects of Buddhist scriptures and practice. 

Later, Trulshig Rinpoche studied in Lhasa , and took teachings from Chusep Jetsun Rinpoche, a famous female Lama, and Dudzom Rinpoche, the late head of the Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism. He studied with Dzongsar Kyentse Rinpoche, Dilgo Kyentse Rinpoche, and His Holiness The Dalai Lama.  

In 1959, when the Dalai Lama fled from the Chinese occupation of Tibet , Trulshig Rinpoche also fled south across the Himalaya, into the Everest region of Nepal . He stayed at the monastery in Thame for one year, then moved to Chiwong Monastery for 5 years. He later established a monastery at Sengye Puhk (the lion cave), above Thupten Choling, on the lower slopes of Shyorung Yul Lha. Later still, he and his followers established the monastery of Thupten Choling, now the largest monastery in Nepal , with 150 monks and 350 nuns studying and meditating there.

§溫故知新 :賀 ! 殊勝佳音 ~ 怙主初璽法王(Kyabje H.H.Trulshik Rinpoche )的轉世靈童已由第十二任澈清法王認證

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