尊貴的敏林堪千仁波切雖仍於短期閉關中,然而時值得遇殊勝日,故為大家獻上祝福  ~~「人們將於2009年7月22日見證日蝕。在此,我願以所有的功德,迴向給每一位眾生;願佛陀的言教惠澤所有一切有情眾生,為眾生帶來喜悅和最殊勝的福田,願有情得致安祥和平,願同理心和慈悲之流充滿整個世界。亦願所有一切僧眾和佛弟子長壽、健康,解除一切障難。」同時,仁波切也將於今日( 日蝕日 )修持敏卓林不共長壽佛之法饒益有情。

 On 22nd July 2009, people will witness the Solar Eclipse .so I would like to make a dedication to each and every Individuals.

May the teachings of Buddha flourish for the happiness and ultimate welfare of all sentient-beings and bring peace, understanding and compassion throughout the world.

May the Sangha and all Buddhist practitioners be endowed with long life, good health and may they be free from all obstacles.~~ Mindrolling Khenchen Rinpoche


...............................敏林堪千仁波切的開示:空性 ~~Emptiness :























The view is normally understood as the certainty that all phenomena, both of samsara and nirvana, are empty. If we have a correct understanding of the ultimate status of phenomena, and if we are able to maintain and assimilate(understand/absorb) this through meditation, we will find in due course that dualistic perception will fall apart by itself. There will come a moment when there is no such thing as benefit or harm, no such thing as happiness and sadness. It is then and only then that we will really have mastered the view.
 Guru Rinpoche said:
                 "We should not lose our view in our actions". 
It means simply by understanding and saying that things are empty does not make them empty. Our bodies and minds, and all the things that stimulate our thoughts, will stay just as they were; they won’t just vanish! As a result, we may lose confidence in the view and concentrate exclusively on physical and verbal activities; dismissing the view as unimportant. If this happens, a clear realization of the view will never come to us. The teachings say therefore that we should avoid one-sided attitudes regarding the view and actions.  
As long as our mind are deluded, anything can seem true to us, including our ordinary passions as they occur in our attachments to others. By creating substantial conceptions and forms, and thinking that they are true, we grasp at them and create all samsaric phenomena. But whatever we name as true becomes untrue.The difference between samsara and enlightenment is attachment and the antidote for attachment is to know that all phenomena are subatanceless and immaterial. It is not hat we are making up an idea of emptiness and imposing it on phenomena, but that phenomena are naturally empty. Emptiness cannot be grasped. The essence is that there is no form of graspable substance. There is only stainless emptiness. There is also not nothingness, because empty form is luminous, completely light,exaltation form of deity, which is totally different from heavy, karmic form. Seeing this luminosity of appearance releases us from ordinary attachment and dullness. 
Wherever there are samsaric phenomena, there is enlightenment; we only have to change our ordinary phenomena into wisdom appearance. If we believe, practice, and accomplish the essence of the Vajrayana samaya of pure phenomena, then everything is deity. When there is no more grasping at conception, complete, unobstructed illumination manifests. So instead of grasping, we must be released to light. 

(本文已收錄於The Eastern Sun Volume 006)



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