於藏曆五月,有關蓮師的重要殊勝日有哪些呢 ?
2015.7.2 為藏曆五月十五日,乃『瞻布林.吉桑』日,『世界煙供日』,為修持煙供非常重要之祈福日。
蓮師經典提云:此日到來地神、山神、龍王、天龍八部等將因前世因緣而聚集,故為放天馬、修持煙供的重要日子。是以全球金剛乘的在家眾或出家眾皆會在這幾天進行法會儀式,同時向所有 上師、諸佛菩薩、龍天、護法、空行、勇士、諸山神、地神等做供養酬懺;以祈願世界和平、祛除天災人禍災難。
當時大家以為偉大的蓮師會施法降伏妖魔們,但蓮師卻是要大家收集許多香樹木、松樹、好吃的食物、勝妙的物品等。蓮師當時即備以最好的五甘露樹等物來做煙供的法物(包括菩提樹、白檀木、野篙、乳香、卷柏等樹),當夜晚一來臨,這些美好的物品燃燒,同時配合持誦經咒,供養妖魔鬼怪們;這些眾生竟大受感動之餘,不但皈依了蓮師,更擔任護法,護持幫忙蓋寺廟,還提早圓滿完工。 這就是西藏的第一座寺廟-「桑耶寺」的建寺過程。建寺圓滿之後,蓮師迎請當時協助建蓋寺院的護法鬼神,為其準備獻廣大的煙供,使之心生極大的歡喜。如是,便流傳而成為今時的世界煙供日。
吾人藉由儀式方面的淨化,以令我們體內降低力量的元素補充其力。如果我們身體中的元素低弱,便難以承受外部世界之元素力道,乃因這兩個力量沒有平衡。是以,我們會得致疾病,外在的影響則諸如螭魅魍魎 與魔類會傷害我們。
⊙Photo story | Universal Smoke Offering day | Mindroling India -2015.7.2
2015.7.2 .Thu is the Universal Smoke Offering day .
The smoke offering ceremony has been widely practiced in Tibet since ancient times in three different, successive lineages. The first lineage was indigenous to Tibet and had no connection to the Bön or Buddhist tradition. This type of smoke offering included animal sacrifice, but with the rise of Bön religion this changed. Smoke offering was incorporated in the rituals, abandoning the animal sacrifice and starting the second lineage.
The third lineage began with the great Master Guru Rinpoche, who came to Tibet and performed the smoke offering according to the Buddhist teachings. This is the way we still practice it today.
The first and most important Buddhist. Monastery in the Tibetan history is Samye. King Tritsong Deutsen encountered many difficulties during building it. So Guru Rinpoche performed a smoke offering called Gya ngön, which pacified all obstacles and negative influences. Afterwards, the king was able to accomplish all his plans with regards to Buddhism swiftly without encountering any obstacles. From this time on until today we celebrate Dzam Ling Chi Sang (Universal Smoke Offering) every year on the 15th day of the 5thTibetan month. Therefore the tradition is still very much alive now.
Benefits of smoke offering :
Through the purifying aspect of the ritual, the elements in our body, which have decreased in strength are replenished.
If the elements in our body are weak, we cannot withstand the strength of the elements in the outer world, as these two are out of balance.
As a result, we will get sick and outer influences like spirits and demons can harm us.
Of course, the mind is more powerful than the body, but our body does have certain strengths and capabilities.
So when the channels, energy and essence drops in our body are purified, our overall physical health naturally increases and we are not so susceptible to external influences like spirits and demons.
The benefits of the offering aspect include the following. By offering to the lama, we receive his blessing.
By offering to the meditational deity we receive the temporary and the ultimate spiritual attainments (siddhis). By offering to the khandros, our positive actions will encounter no hindrances. By offering to the Dharma protectors, we will receive their help in our worldly and dharmic endeavours.
..................【藏曆五月十日| 蓮師聖誕大法會Tel-da Tse Chu】
When the attainment of the complete human body coincides with having faith and intelligence, it is a fact that your karmic continuity of former training has awakened.
--Mahaguru Padmasambhava.
2015.6.24 ,為了紀念偉大的上師 蓮花生的誕生,印度敏卓林寺自藏曆之五月八日至十日(6.24-6-26 ),依據《上師密集》儀軌隆重舉行三天的吉祥法會。於法會中,將進行特別的獻供及薈供 ,殊勝之薈供物亦與大眾分享。
«有關蓮師的小故事-放羊的牧童 »
牧童回去後,發現主人家有一頭羊正要屠宰。那頭羊的頭為紅色,其餘部分全是白色。趁主人不備,牧童偷偷的把羊放了。等主人準備宰羊時才發現羊不見了。憤怒 的主人大罵了牧童一頓,最後將其趕出門。牧童無處可去,於是漫無目的向前直走,走了很久,來到一處山洞旁,實在走不動了,他找來一塊長著青苔的石頭當枕 頭,不知不覺中,就在山洞前的湖邊睡著了。一覺醒來,他發現自己竟睡在一個極為華麗漂亮的帳篷裡,而成群結隊的牛羊正在外頭悠閒地吃著草。牧童明白,他的 願望真的實現了!
2015.6.24 |10th day of 5th Lunar Month|Tel-da Tse Chu
When the attainment of the complete human body coincides with having faith and intelligence, it is a fact that your karmic continuity of former training has awakened.
--Mahaguru Padmasambhava.
This auspicious ceremony marks the birth of the great Mahaguru Padmasambhava. This Drubchen is performed for three days in accordance with the Lama Sangdu text from the 8th to the 10th day of the 5th lunar month. During the Drubchen, special feast practices are done and the tsog (feast offering) is distributed to the general community.
When you keep company with an eminent master, his qualities will automatically influence you.
--Mahaguru Padmasambhava.
When your appearance conforms with worldly conventions, you will encounter less criticism.
--Mahaguru Padmasambhava.
When your mind looks into itself, dharmata will dawn from within.
--Mahaguru Padmasambhava.
When you recognize the nature of mind, fabrication and effort are naturally freed.
--Mahaguru Padmasambhava.
............【敏卓林佛學院辯經 】
於記載中,印度各個教派的智者和大德都參與觀看了中國僧人講經,並欲針對玄奘的觀點進行辯論。出席者尚包含了戒日王、東印度國王、還有其他十八國 的國王參加、僧眾三千餘人、印度教以及其他教派大德共兩千餘人、那爛陀也派來了一千多人,可謂盛況空前,全印度的高僧大德俱已在場。會中由論主:玄奘主動 提出。如果有人能夠破除玄奘的觀點,一定斬首相謝。來自中國的玄奘大師不為自己保留任何退路,玄奘大師的對手並不只有小乘的高僧,尚有印度教以及其他教派 的大學者等。
辯經於佛教是一個重要學習。 於歷史上,辯論教義向為佛教中很重要的一部分;本師釋迦牟尼曾與外道師辯論多次而勝利,方令佛法光大發揚,取得外道信眾之信服而投向佛法。
中國唐代的高僧玄奘大師(即唐三藏法師)遠赴印度取經,玄奘學成後,立真唯識量論旨,於曲女城之無遮辯論法會上,等待十八天,結果無人敢於出來辯難,故而 不戰而勝,名聲鵲起,威震全天竺。更被當時大乘行者譽為摩訶耶那提(Mahayanadeva),亦即「大乘天」,同時也被小乘佛教徒譽為木叉提婆,亦即 「解脫天」。
辯經的過程主要以兩種根據作為討論基礎,其一是「因明邏輯的思辯」,以普遍公認的道理來做推論基礎,依照因明學進行邏輯推理而發出質詢;其二為「引用經 典」,從共同承認經典當中,引用佛陀及古德聖賢所詮述的文字,如此交叉比對,可以推敲出許多經文中的細微意涵,從而對佛法教義產生討論。辯經也是對僧人的 水準考核的主要方式之一。辯經時可以一對一,也可以一對多,進行過程中配有一些手勢,有著不同的涵義。辯經時,辯者必須不加思索馬上答問。在辯論深入時, 問方往往會瞪眼怒目,手揮念珠分散答方之注意力,並大力擊掌以壯聲威。
⊙Photo story | 敏卓林佛學院之辯經 --彼此面對的僧人,由站立的喇嘛向席坐於地的喇嘛提問。其餘的僧眾除了觀看,也從旁協助新入學的學僧學習辯經。| Dharma Debate in Mindrolling 2015 | Standing monks are asking dharma questions to the sitting monks. They are facing each other. Other monks witness the debate and also helps the new monks to learn how to doing dharma debate.
Debating, the formal arguing or discussion of a thesis before an audience, has a long and distinguished history in Buddhism beginning with the Buddha himself. In text like the Sutta Nipata of the Pali Tipitaka, the Buddha says that the true monk argues with no one and keeps away from public debates. But in many other works in the Tipitaka he is portrayed as a vigorous and successful debater. It would seem therefore that at the beginning of his career the Buddha simply taught those who were interested in what he had to say, but later as his teachings came to be criticised or misinterpreted, he felt the need to explain, clarify and defend them. And this he did with remarkable virtuosity. So successful was he that he was accused of using magic to convert his opponents. In later centuries, Buddhist scholars success in debating played an important part in the winning of intellectuals to Buddhism. Sometimes the stakes were high. During certain periods those defeated in debate had to either become the victor's disciple or commit suicide .Different Buddhist schools also debated with each other.
The Chinese Mahayana monk Hsuan Tsang debated with the Savakayana monk Pragnadea in front of a huge audience and won. However it is specifically mentioned that after it was all over the two men remained good friends.
The great Samye debate in Tibet in 792-4AD between the Chinese monk Hva-san and the Indian monk Kamalasida, which the latter finally won, meant that Tibet was to rely more on India than China for its Buddhism.