1 . 來日之米滂 ~~ 敏卓林堪布 丹增烏金 (Ugyen Tenzin)代表寧瑪派傳承出席國際佛教會議。
2015 年3月國際佛教會議於新德里隆重舉行。
自不同的傳統的佛教代表共襄盛舉。敏卓林佛學院的優秀堪布 :丹增烏金 (Ugyen Tenzin│照片中戴著眼鏡和著背著僧袋的喇嘛)代表寧瑪派傳承與會。
The view of voidness has to be first understood, then experienced, and finally realized. It is from voidness that samsara and nirvana arise, and it is into voidness that they dissolve. Even while they appear to exist, they have actually never departed from voidness. So, if you recognize all phenomena as being void in nature, you will be able to cope with whatever happens, whether you experience pleasure or pain, without any clinging.
Seen through the eyes of voidness, true and false are dualistic notions which can exist only in relation to each other. Only if there is false can there also be true, but if false is void then true must be void too. In the view of voidness, therefore, there can be no true assertions whatsoever, no conditions, and no clinging. When a Bodhisattva is firmly established in this view, he has no attachment to the peace of nirvana, and to accomplish the welfare of beings he is able to assume any form whatsoever. He has the unremitting confidence that enables him to work with sentient beings for endless kalpas, no matter how far they have gone astray. Never thinking of the enlightenment for which he strives as being for himself, his only concern is to help others towards that goal.
─ H.E.9th Minling Khenchen Rinpoche
.......2.【全知米滂仁波切( Jamgon Mipham Rinpoche |1846~1912A.D.)涅槃103年紀念日 】
善友與仁者吉祥 !
6月15日 (藏曆4月29日),為全知米滂仁波切( Jamgon Mipham Rinpoche |1846~1912A.D.)涅槃103年紀念日 。
印度敏卓林佛學院,由尊貴的敏林堪千仁波切主法,共僧眾於天降舍利塔舉行莊嚴的「米滂仁波切紀念法會」。於此憶念米滂仁波切的同時,一如既往,祝願大家 :智慧增上,如獲文殊親加持!
││米滂仁波切紀事 ││
【 壹 】
噯瑪伙 !
昔日 ,當米滂仁波切與格魯派之大智者加瓦阿拉辯經時,巴楚仁波切與加瓦阿拉智者的隨侍們皆親睹了自文殊聖像的心間綻放五彩之光,光芒再融入米滂仁波切心間.....一時,加瓦阿拉的弟子們,
當米滂仁波切來到他的根本上師波切跟前,上師 ( 蔣揚欽哲旺波 ) 問他,「你在閉關期間修習些甚麼?」
米滂仁波切瞭解到這就是他的上師給予其在修行上的諫言 。
Tsog offering
⊙Photo story | Mipham Rinpoche Commemoration Puja | India Mindrolling college 2015.6.15
2015 .6.16 was the 103 anniversary of Mipham Gyatso Rinpoche .
【Prayer to Mipham Rinpoche】
Through the blessings of the youthful Mañjuśrī, the union of awareness and emptiness,You released the eight brilliant treasures from the expanse of your wisdom mind,Master of an ocean of treasure-like teachings of the Dharma in both aspects, transmission and realization—To you, Mipham Rinpoche, Mañjuśrī in person, I pray
Mipham Rinpoche was born in the region of Derge in eastern Tibet. At the age of fifteen he undertook eighteen months of intensive retreat on Manjushri. He later confided to some of his students that from then on he had always been able to understand any text he read. Patrul Rinpoche taught him on the famous ninth chapter of the Bodhicharyavatara, ‘Wisdom’, and himself confirmed that after just five days’ teaching, Mipham Rinpoche had completely mastered both the words and meaning of the text. Mipham Rinpoche also received and mastered innumerable teachings and transmissions from Jamyang Khyentsé Wangpo and Jamgön Kongtrul, as well as from masters of all traditions throughout Tibet. He always took to heart Je Tsongkhapa’s famous advice that the teachings should be regarded first and foremost as practical guidance for life rather than merely as intellectual speculations. Mipham Rinpoche had an enormous impact in re-awakening a deep reverence and interest in the Nyingma and Dzogchen teachings. His contribution to the Rimé movement is inestimable.
Shortly before he passed away, he told his attendant Lama Ösel:
Nowadays, if you speak the truth, there is nobody to listen; if you speak lies everyone thinks it is true. I have never said this before: I am not an ordinary person; I am a bodhisattva who has taken rebirth through aspiration. The suffering experienced in this body is just the residue of karma; but from now on I will never again have to experience karmic obscuration. … Now, in this final age, the barbarians beyond the frontier are close to undermining the teaching. [So] there is no point whatsoever in my taking rebirth here…I have no reason to take birth in impure realms ever again.
Once Mipham Rinpoche came before his root lama, Khyentse Rinpoche. The lama asked Mipham, “What practice did you do in retreat?”
Mipham replied: “ While studying , I applied reason, and I have diligently practiced the creation stage.”
Khyentse Rinpoche replied: “That is difficult ! The Omniscient Longchenpa said, ‘Without doing anything, come to rest right where you are.’ By resting like that I haven’t seen any ‘face of mind’ with white skin and a rosy complexion, but I’d be alright anyway if I died right now!” Khyentse Rinpoche laughed out loud.
Mipham understood this to be his lama’s practical advice.
The wisdom of Manjushri, Lion of Speech, arose in your heart,And you trained in the infinite aspirations of Samantabhadra,Performing the enlightened actions of the buddhas and their heirs: Jampal Gyepé Dorje, to you I pray
§溫故知新 : 美好法音 ~敏林堪千仁波切‧與您談談金剛經--(18 )
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