將自己修鍊得完美,是對眾生的大愛;唯有經歷、經歷、再經歷 ,從而超越 ,方得智慧


 ~~超越是心靈真正的莊嚴之美 !

 (  本文已收錄於The Eastern Sun Volume 006)


.................................敏林堪千仁波切的開示:大愛與正信 ~~Love Aad Faith  :


Love and Faith  大愛與正信








大悲心具備四無量心( )




























Love and Faith

Lord Buddha said :For those of you who want to attain enlightenment, do not study many teachings. Only study one. What is it? It is great compassion. Whoever has great compassion has all Buddha's qualities in his hand.

Love and faith have the same essence of deep caring. The only difference is that love is aimed towards sentient beings, including those who are less fortunate than we are, and faith is aimed toward sublime beings, including all Buddhas and enlightened guides. The nature of love is to give positive energy to others in order to benefit them and to release them from suffering. The nature of faith is to trust in sublime beings in order to receive the blessings of wisdom energy that benefit oneself and others. True faith creates the vast love of compassion that benefits countless beings.

There are four boundless wishes. First, we must acknowledge this love and try to love all sentient beings, who have been our parents over countless lives. Second, it is not enough just to think of their kindness to us; we must give tremendous kindness to them. Third, if they have positive qualities and their lives are happy, we must rejoice instead of being jealous. Fourth, we must be loving, kind, and rejoice for all beings equally. 

To increase positive energy, the most powerful method is to create love and faith which arises from original, intangible wisdom energy. If we connect through faith to the vast, profound continuity of mind, the deep, smooth, soothing, light qualities of wisdom energy can flower. The essence of love is the compassion of sublime beings which always gives energy with inconceivable, positive qualities. Those who have been blessed by the wisdom energy of sublime beings for many lives have energy that enlivens and refreshes others.

In ordinary, dualistic mind, we cannot have deep and lasting love either for our equals or for less fortunate beings, because ordinary, dualistic mind depends on the uncertainty of temporary circumstances which causes disinterest, hatred, or betrayal. Ordinary mind has no depth, it is automatically limited. If it becomes unpleasant, we stop feeling it. When we react to circumstances, we are really just considering ourselves and our reactions without respecting or caring deeply about others. When we feel isolated and want to be loved, we show love to others in order to receive love from them in return, but when we are satisfied, we forget about others. This is not enduring and continuous love. It does not cause the impartial compassion of Bodhisattvas because it depends on our personal, selfish desire. Our main interest will be in our own temporary benefit, even though this benefit is easily lost because it depends on unreliable circumstances.

On the other hand if we rely on ordinary, dualistic mind, we cannot have deep and enduring faith, because whenever circumstances change, our faith can easily change so that we give up our beliefs. If we experience a feeling of faith, we want to believe in something, but what we really believe in is only whatever appears in front of us for the moment. Whenever this temporary experience decreases, we disregard what we believed in and discard our faith.

The meaning of faith is to see qualities in others that are much more wonderful than and superior to one's own. There are three kinds of faith: the faith without reason that makes the mind clear, the faith of desire to receive superior qualities; and the faith of complete belief in sublime beings without doubt, so that one can receive their blessings and become the same as they are.

Whoever has the intention to attain enlightenment for the benefit of all beings must have faith. As Buddha said:

                People who do not have faith

                Cannot have white Dharma,

                Just as seed burned by fire

                Cannot sprout a green shoot.

The intention to have faith creates faith. A clear intention is extremely important in all Dharma because it focuses energy and defines our aim so that we can attain it. Without intention, energy is wasted, diffused, and lost, preventing any accomplishment. If we have the strong intention to pratice in order to reach enlightenment, we can dedicate all of our activity toward this intention.

As much as intention is limited, the result will be limited. If we have a vast intention, no one can prevent its fulfillment because of the unpreventable strength of natural mind. If we wish to help and serve others through love, and to become the same as sublime beings trough faith by praying  and offering to them, without expecting immediate, substantial rewards, one day the power of these vast intentions will become as great as the aim of our wishes, prayers, and offerings.

The biggest obstacle to having faith is the impure perception, through which anything can be misinterpreted. If our spiritual qualities are undeveloped, it prevents us from being able to recognize profound qualities in others. 

If we want to develop continuous, vast love that is not affected by temporary circumstances, we have to create faith, since actual love comes from faith. Ordinary love that is not connected to faith depends on the changeable reactions of others, decreasing or increasing according to how it is rewarded and capable of turning into hatred or indifference. This kind of love has expectation and is not truly giving.


Great love comes from the faith which connects us to the blessings of sublime beings' wisdom mind so that everything, including love and faith, becomes deep and pure. Then ultimately, without any expectation, conditions, or intention, love becomes the unobstructed emanation of the limitless, aimless, natural love of the great compassion of enlightenment.  

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