人天長夜,誰啟以光明 ?請為法界點燃一盞明燈 ~~即使是全世界的黑暗,
也無法將一盞小小燭光的光明熄滅 !
【 精進 ‧清淨 ‧燃起五十萬盞 希望 與 光明 】
~~~2009年印度敏卓林結夏安居 45天 ‧
於敏卓林,結夏安居(Yarne)為期一個半月,從藏曆 六月中進行至七月底。安居一切規定皆依照佛陀戒律進行,比丘們必需遵守戒律,並於此段期間致力禪修。而於此段期間的每壹日,堪布和法師亦例行開示,所有僧眾每日都必需誦戒,同時也廣大供養酥油明燈和舉行法會。直到結夏安居的最後一天,也就是藏曆 七月卅 的傍晚,由選定的僧侶們公開為大眾作佛法開示。照常規,安居之後,比丘一般會有三至五天的假期。
由於此際,敏卓林佛學院之學僧人數已增加許多,但能夠提供的住所卻極其有限。在這裡,三、四個僧人蟄居於斗室,少數喇嘛更被迫居於水塔圍牆之室;於此水塔斗室,對僧眾之生活、衛生條件與學習上產生了極大的不便,因此我們希望今年能夠修建僧舍,以改善學僧的居住環境,解除僧眾衛生、學習和生活上的困頓。 ( http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/theeasternsun-khenchen/article?mid=2236&prev=-1&next=22350 )
~~【Miling Khenchen Rinpoche 敏林堪千仁波切親書】
人天長夜,誰啟以光明 ?請為法界點燃明燈 !
法會時間:2009/ 8/5~~9 / 18 / ( 依藏曆每年 6月15至7月30日 ‧共45天 )
1) 祈請45位發心護法功德主‧以個人或團體擔任【壹日總壇主】;壹日所需之齋糧、供茶、供品、供花、供燈酥油之淨資約臺幣參萬元。
2) 隨喜供養( 45天法會齋僧及五十萬盞明燈燈供 )
法會45天期間皆可參贊,如蒙發心護持,祈請盡量提前郵政劃撥 (亦可先行email 或傳真護持與迴向名單),以利大德芳名上供壇城 。超薦亡者先人敬請註明往生者,或祈願事項,謝謝您!
同時,懇請十方踴躍護持,倘若能得致足夠的佈施,各位的奉獻將利益作為敏卓林佛學院擴建僧舍之用,以解決學舍不足之困窘。( 詳見 ''尋找108位菩薩 ) 。感恩您 ~~~
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【官網】 http://www.khenchenrinpoche.org/
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◎歡迎於敏林堪千仁波切對全球之英文官網線上( On-line Credit Card )刷卡護持http://www.khenchenrinpoche.org/2-support.htm‧如使用線上供養‧務必煩將迴向名單email至:easternsun9@yahoo.com.tw ,並請註明護持項目及迴向或吩咐代辦事項~~衷心感謝您 )
◎ 您可以瞭解更多‧請點選 : 【萬燈燈供‧敏林堪千仁波切致十方大德的一封信】 http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/theeasternsun-khenchen/article?mid=7&prev=40&next=5&l=f&fid=5 【齋僧燄續佛燈 ‧啟以法界光明~~ 敏卓林佛學院結夏安居暨五十萬盞明燈燈供大法會】 http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/theeasternsun-khenchen/article?mid=869&prev=1503&next=328&l=f&fid=5 【堪千仁波切欲與十方分享的一方淨土~~Heaven And Earth Eastern Sun 】 http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/theeasternsun-khenchen/article?mid=683&prev=2218&next=49&l=f&fid=24 【敏卓林經續善說洲~尋找108位菩薩 (前言)】http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/theeasternsun-khenchen/article?mid=2218&prev=2235&next=2145 【敏卓林堪千仁波切~~似水年華‧如磐心志 ~~尋找108位菩薩】http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/theeasternsun-khenchen/article?mid=2236&prev=-1&next=2235 【 自人本的寬厚開始 】http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/theeasternsun-khenchen/article?mid=130&prev=136&next=125&l=f&fid=16 【十步芳草.感謝有您】http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/theeasternsun-khenchen/article?mid=49&prev=355&l=f&fid=8
2009 summer retreat
Buddha once said: “Monsoon season is not a good time for travel. Bhikkhus need a place to study and practice together during the rains. Having a place like this will help the community avoid illness from exposure to elements and avoid stepping on worms and insects that are washed up on the ground during the rain. From now on, I would like the bhikkhus to return to a common place at the beginning of every rainy season. We can ask lay disciples of the area to offer food and drink during the three months of retreat. The lay disciples will also benefit from the teachings offered by the bhikkhus.” Thus, the tradition of the rainy season retreat began.
The summer Retreat originated at the time of Buddha when, during the three-month monsoon period, all the disciples would reassemble to practice with Shakyamuni, away from the preoccupations and agitation of the world. During that time, monks would not go out for alms but gathered in a place and practice. The lay people would provide food and everything for the monks. Since then, the tradition still follows the same as in the past.
Here in Mindrolling, summer retreat (Yarne) starts from the 15th day of the 6th lunar month to the 30th day of the 7th lunar month, which last for one and a half months. The retreat is held in accordance with the instructions of the Buddha spelled in the Vinaya directing all monks to observe certain restrictions and engage themselves in meditation and practices for the period. Khenpos and Lonpons gave teachings each day and ‘Sojong' or confessions are offered by the sangha during the retreat. Many butter lamps are offered and pujas are done during the retreat. In the evening of the 30th, the last day of the retreat, selected monks give teachings and expound the Dharma to the community. The retreat is usually followed by a 3-5 day holiday break for the monks.
So, every year, all disciples can withdraw from the hustle and bustle of their everyday life and rediscover the ideal conditions for practicing the Buddha-Way together. This reminds us of how we can live and enjoy simple and peaceful life and nurture our own spiritual growth. We take time to look deeply in order to transform both our individual difficulties and the difficulties we faced in our society. During this one and half month retreat, is a lot of time for reflecting oneself and sharing the sameness with others too.
Thanks for the donation done by everyone of you as well as your continuous support since the past few years. Despite the economic downturn and hardships of life, you still continue to contribute as done in the past. This year, we hope to offer five hundred thousand butter lamps during the retreat. Should we have surplus donations, then such donations shall be used for the expansion of Shedra rooms. Such decision is made because we have many new students this year, but we are unable to provide them with a room. In a small room just enough for 3 to 4 monks, few monks have to stay under the water tank. It is very hard for the monks to live and study in that small room. Therefore, we are hoping that we could build more new rooms this year, so that the conditions of living do not interfere in their studies, hygiene and well beings.
Here, we earnestly appeal for your enthusiast support. With any dedication made for this retreat, may all your wishes be fulfilled. May all your kindness and thoughtfulness for this summer retreat brings you merits.
Thank you very much indeed!
Miling Khenchen Rinpoche
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