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Dear all ,
即將展開2011年度的《心經》與《夢瑜珈》覺智之旅 ...
莫錯過顯密之圭聶瑰寶─《心經》的心靈灑淨與開闊全新的視野 !
祝福您能量充盈且法喜充滿 !
Ocean of knowledge in a pot of water.
~~by 敏林堪千仁波切 ( H.H. 9th Minling Khenchen Rinpoche )
Ocean of knowledge in a pot of water
A man in the path to seek truth of self went to a master one day and begged him to enlighten him.
"I am obessed with seeking out the truth. I can neither rest, work nor be at peace. Can you help me find the truth?" The master gazed far wary with half-crossed eyes for a while, and said slowly, " Go with a pot to the ocean in the mornings, gather some water in it and, sitting on the sands, meditate for some time before beinning your day's chores".
Thanking the master, the man immediatly bought a pot and eagerly went to the ocean near his house. He filled the pot with seawater and sat down on the beach. On what should be mediate, he wondered. He had tried many supposedly potent verses and powerful manstras earlier, to no effect.
The master had, however, not given any special mantra. Just relax, he had said. Meditate and relax! The two seemed to him a little contradictory. Meditating, to him, meant concentation and action, and relaxing meant idling and letting go. He thought over this dichotomy for some time but suddenly remembered an important chore. He poured the water back on the sand as he had been told to do, and hurried home.
Contradciton notwithstanding, he somehow felt a little soothed and relaxed. He even felt a tad energised. SO he went again the next morning, and every morning thereafter. Now this became his routine. Every day, he felt a little better and even learnt to relax fairly well. Repeatedly, the contradiction between relaxation and concentration presented itself to him and each time he slipped a little deeper in its grips. He was not aware that, unknown to him, the cogitation itself had become a mantra. Effortless, unwavering, natural, a relaxed concentrating.
The man looked meditatively at the ocean that stretched far to the horizon, almost endless. Now it surrounded him too and encompassed him . He looked at the water in the pot. That water too came from the ocean and although a minuscule part of it, it was the very same. One was vast and infinite, and the other, a tiny part of it. One called the ocean, and the other, a pot of water. But the contents were the same. The difference was in the measure. The infinite sustained a multitude of life, even untold filth, all turbulence, and yet, a deep silence and calm beneath. THe ocean itself was not afectd by any of this. It remained pure and clear within itself, full of energy and dancing with joy.
Suddenly it hit him, this is the truth! Vast, endless, pure and knowledgeable, engulfing everything, including himself. Only, instead of water, now it was Consciousness. Immaculate and crystal clear, despite all the festering scum of anger, violence, hatred, prejudice generated by the murky mind.
The man poured the water back into the sea. It disappeared in the lapping waves and became one with the sea again. The man saw that he, too, was part of vast ocean of Consciousness, had merge in it and become Consciousness itself, infinite, eternal, pure, sheer joy, and knowledge.
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唯願 :永具菩提心 !
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◎ 您可以瞭解更多‧延伸閱讀:
【2011美好法音~心經 &夢瑜珈覺智之旅敏林金薩覺智之旅 Journey to Enlightenment 】
【2010美好法音( 3 )~~敏林金薩覺智之旅 Journey to Enlightenment 】
【2010美好法音(2)~~無常.是唯一不變之真理~2010敏林金薩覺智之旅《閱讀淨土資糧》及時間異動 Journey to Enlightenment (2)】
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