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仁波切   您在找甚麼 ?

莊嚴佛法  莊嚴人心





今天(94)下午 2~5點,尊貴的敏林堪千仁波切將授予「Minling Dorsem ( Mindroling Vajrasattva)⋯⋯」敏卓林金剛薩埵;能夠領受由當今執持敏卓林傳承法脈與血脈之達瑪師利教典傳承持有者之親自授予之灌頂,是多麼殊勝與法喜充滿啊 ! 願您具緣,近悅遠來 ! 



Meditating and reciting on Vajrasattva to cleanse all obscuration



尊貴的  敏林堪千仁波切 : 修誦金剛薩埵以淨化所有的業障 (1) 



















修誦金剛薩埵以淨化所有的業障 (2) 懺悔四力  




此處所云之依止力,指的是皈依金剛薩埵,以及發起願菩提心和行菩提心。( 即世俗菩提心)


此外,依止力也可能是某個特定所欲懺悔的對境。舉例來說 :當誦持《三聚經》的懺悔文時,三十五佛所提供的皈依(依止)。依止者,或是己之上師,或是諸佛聖尊的身、語、意。簡而言之,即是吾人所依止並懺悔的對境。  






寂天菩薩曾於《入菩薩行》( 第一品)菩提心利益中云 






 覺心如劫火剎那毀諸罪 !


() 懺悔力(破惡力)


當我們持誦《三蘊經》之際,經云:彼等尊前發露懺悔,不覆、不藏 (弟子毫無隱瞞,發露懺悔一切惡業)

西藏大成就者亦云:沒有發自肺腑懺悔,無法淨除業障!惡業有如劇毒,故而須以慚心、愧心懺悔 !


()遮止力 (防護力)



故《三蘊經》云:未於當下誓願直至未來,則無法淨除惡業,是以,從今爾後,就算捨棄性命亦不復造作惡業。( 自今而後,戒除不犯 )






meditating and reciting on Vajrasattva to cleanse all obscuration  


The main obstacles that prevent all the extraordinary experiences and realizations of the profound path from arising are Negative actions, Obsurations and Habitual tendencies. Just as it is important to clean the surface of a mirror if forms are to be reflected in it, so too it is important to eliminate our obscurations so that realization can appear like a reflection in the mirror.


There is no harmful act that cannot be purified by confession. As the great teachers of ancient times affirmed:


There is nothing good about neagtive actions- except that they can be purified through confession.


Of all negative actions-be they external breaches of all pratimoksha vows, inner transgressions of the bodhicitta training, or secret violations of the trantric samayas- there is not one, however serious, that cannot be purified by confession.


In the Sutras, The Buddha tells several stories illustrating this point. For instance, there is the tale of the Brahmin Atapa, who was known as Angulimala, (translation of the name- Garland of Fingers). Angulimala killed nine hundred and ninety nine people, but then cleansed himself of those actions through confession and attained the state of Arhat in that very lifetime. THere is also the case of King Ajatsatru, who killed his father, but later repaird his crime through confession and attained liberation, having experienced the suffering of hell only for the time it takes a ball to bounce once. The protector Nagarjuna says:


        Someone who has acted carelessly


        But later becomes careful and attentive


        Is as beautiful as the bright moon emerging from the clouds


        Like Nanda, Angulimala Darska and Sankara.


However, purification only takes place when you confess sincerely in the right way, using the four powers as antidotes. The purification process will never work if your eyes and mouth are otherwise occupied, or if you are just mouthing the words, "I admit.......I confess.....or say mantras" while your mind is buy pursuing other thoughts. And to thnk, " IN future, even if i do wrong it wont matter because i can just confess afterwards," will stop the purification from working at all, even if you do confess.


Jetsun Mila( A mahasiddha in Tibet) says:


        You may doubt that confession can rally purify negative actions,


        But if your thoughts become positive, you are purified !


                                                                            ─  Minling Khenchen




meditating and reciting on Vajrasattva to cleanse all obscuration(2)  


The Four powers for confession  


The four powers are the power of support, the power of regretting having done wrong, the power of resolution and the power of action as an antidote.  


1.     The power of support: In this context, the support is provided by takin refuge in Vajrasattva and cultivating the intention and application aspects of bodhicitta. In other cases, the support would be the particular object to which you address your confession. When you recite the confession of the Sutra in threet Heaps, for example, the power of support is provided by the Thity-five Buddhas. It could also be a teacher, or a representation  of the body, speech or mind of the Buddhas-in short, anyone or anything in whose presence you confess .  


Before any confession arousing the bodhcitta of intention and application is indispensable. The Buddha taught that confessing your evil deeds and downfalls without arousing bodhicitta, even though you might apply the four powers, will reduce your faults but not purify them altogether. Sincerely giving rise to bodhicita however, will of itself purify all past misdeeds, whatever they be. In THe Way of the Bodhisattva, Santideva says of bodhicitta:  


As though they pass through perils guarded by a hero,


Even those weighed down with dreadful wickedness


Will instantly be eed through having bodhicitta


Who then would not place his trust in it?


Just as by fires at the end of time


Great sins are utterly consumed by bodhicitta.


2nd. The power of of regretting having done wrong.

The power of regretting having done wrong comes from a feeling of remorse for all the negative actions you have done in the past. There can be no purification if you do not see your misdeeds as something wrong and confess them with fierce regret, without concealing anything.


As we recite in the Sutra of three parts:

        I confess them all, without hiding or holding back anything.

      Great accomplished Master in Tibet said:

        Confessing them without regret cannot purify them.

        For past misdeeds are like a posion within

        So confess them with shame, trepidation and great remorse.


3th. The power of resolution.

The power of resolution means to remember that faults you have commited and to resolve never to commit them again from this very day on, even at the cost of your dear life., In the Sutra of three parts:

        Without a vow for the future from now on, there is no purification,

So I make the vow for the future from now on

That even at the cost of my life I will do no negative action.


4th Power of action as an antidote.

This power involves accomplishing as many positive actions as you can, as an antidote to your past negative actions. It refers particularly to activities such as prostrating to the Buddha and Bodhisattvas, rejoicing in the merit of others, dedicating your sources of future good to enlightement, cultivating the bodhicitta of intention and application and staying in the essence of the unaltered natural state.


There is indeed no deeper way to cleanse oneself of past misdeeds than to meditate on bodhicitta and to maintain the flow of the unaltered natural state. Keep these two things in mind as you go through the details of the meditation on Vajrasattva-purification by the stream of nectar, recitation of the hundred syllable manta, and so on.


To practise the actual meditation and recitation, proceed as follow, remembering all the time the specific pure meaning of each element in the context of the four powers as antidotes.

~~H.E.Minling Khenchen Rinpoche


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唯願 :永具菩提心 ! 




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