尊貴的第九任敏林堪千仁波切親書致其最深摯的感謝 :
尊貴的上師們,於上座修持前,集體於佛塔前之祈禱 !
尊勝的 大寶法王也蒞臨寧瑪茉蘭千茉致意、隨喜寧瑪茉蘭千茉 !
尊貴的頂果揚希仁波切與尊貴的敏林堪千仁波切討論著甚麼呢 ?
尊貴的佐欽仁波切( H.H.Dzogchen Rinpoche)與敏林堪千仁波切歡喜笑言間
參與第二十三屆寧瑪茉蘭千茉之傳承法座於菩提迦耶機場 : 尊貴的雪謙冉將仁波切、尊貴的蔣康仁波切、尊貴的敏林堪千仁波切、尊貴的敦珠揚希仁波切
仁者吉祥 !
Happy Losar !
自農曆新年自2 月22日(大年初一)起,展開殊勝的神變月 !
除了於此刻獻上怙主 敏林堪千仁波切致十方之衷心感謝,
也提醒您把握天時精進 ~ 願您發露懺悔、隨喜他人、自利利他、廣植福田!
由於您的信任與支持,我們得能圓成此次供養萬僧襯金之願 ,
心中的感懷 ,盡是愛與善美的福音 ...
謝謝您~ 不論識與不識、已知或未知、直接或間接;願您歡喜‧闔家平安 !
身為寧瑪茉蘭千茉祈願法會的贊助者,鄙人特別藉此機會向慷慨護持的檀越表達謝意,您長期支持鄙人所有的佛行任務,也鼎力襄贊了近三年來於菩提迦耶所舉辦的寧瑪茉蘭千茉 (其自1989年來歷年舉辦 )。正如您所瞭知,鄙人為此殊勝大會,也稱為「世界和平祈願大法會」的2008、2010與2012年、其交替的三年間,忝為負責籌募(齋糧)經費者。此責任涵括為數千參與之比丘、安尼及來自世界各地的居士提供每日之日用所需與薈供供品、差旅津貼、飲食與住宿,並管理大會之總務與行政。此殊勝的聚會為了世界和平,與祈使一切有情於痛苦中解脫貢獻了十天的祈禱。大抵而言,寧瑪茉蘭千茉祈願法會有超過一千六百所之寺院共同參與,計有一萬多名資深比丘、安尼、祖古、堪布、密咒士(瑜伽士)、居士等自世界各地前來共襄盛舉。
~ 敏林堪千( 仁波切 )
(◕‿◕)*♥¸¸.•*更多照片‧歡迎點閱敏卓林堪千仁波切官方部落格臉書網頁 : http://www.facebook.com/mindroling
Thank you !
The 9th Minling Khenchen Rinpoche Extends His Deep Appreciation
Over the last year, despite recent economic situations, family difficulties and/or sickness, a growing group of dedicated supporters has generously contributed to our numerous projects for which I am personally very grateful. Your continued trust and belief in me and Dharma projects has truly helped by energizing me to accomplish more: to serve Dharma in whatever way needed – large or small. Please remember that your contributions have benefited many people.
As a sponsor of the Nyingma Monlam Chenmo Organization, I would especially like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation to the generous donors who have shown their support of all of my projects as well as through three years of sponsoring the Nyingma Monlam Chenmo, held annually in Bodhgaya since 1989. As you may know, I was the sponsor in-charge of this sacred gathering, also known as the Great World Peace Prayer Ceremony, for the alternating years of 2008, 2010, and 2012. Responsibilities of the sponsor include providing daily offerings and Tsog, travel expenses, food and accommodations for thousands of participating monks, nuns, and lay people from around the world as well as overseeing logistics and administration of the event. This very sacred gathering offers 10 days of prayers for World Peace and the liberation of all sentient beings. Normally, over 1600 monasteries register and the ceremonies are attended by over 10,000 senior monks, nuns, tulkus, khenpos, and ngakpas and lay people from all over the world.
The outstanding success of the Monlam Chenmo this year, and of the twenty-plus years past, reflects the immense generosity of precious donors as well as the ability and effort of all participants taking a collective responsibility and working together effectively – with true and sincere inspiration, motivation, and commitment directed towards achieving peace, happiness and the longevity of the Dharma in this world.
I would like to dedicate all the merit accumulated from this year’s Monlam Chenmo to all sentient beings in different realms but especially to all project contributors for your continued support of the Dharma.
May the lives of the glorious masters be secure
And may all beings happiness and peace
Purifying all negative karma
And swiftly reach enlightenment.
May all sentient beings happiness and all the causes of happiness
May they be free from suffering and the cause of suffering
May they never be separated from the great happiness devoid of suffering
And may they dwell in the great equanimity that is free from attachment and aversion..
Mindrolling Khenchen Rinpoche
【賢刼千佛同處成佛勝地「金剛座」之歷史~ http://khenchen.pixnet.net/blog/post/11893585