敏林堪千仁波切親書 :  猶如出自經續所說,亦如眾所皆知一般,任何人應當調整動機,並於任何大祈願法會與供養三寶之際,主要應當遠斷窮盡善業之因─「瞋恨」、以及貪求名聞等諸心思。如同歷代祖師開示:「若能不流於世間八法所制,身心相續依止慈心與悲心而清淨修心,必定能於自己與他人二者產生利益」.......「一切諸法由緣生、住於希求之頂尖,何人所作諸祈願,彼乃如是而成就」.....釋迦牟尼佛和所有的成就者皆奉行慷慨行為的美德,特別是其饒利眾生之寶貴價值;乃緣此善德能驅一切障難,為修行證悟途中最寶貴的朋友。

A Message from the Guardian Guru of Mindrolling 9th Khenchen Rinpoche

To all gurus and friends in dharmas of the same sect:

Since 1989, we, the members of the entire Nyingma Sect have gathered annually at the vajra sacred place where the 1001 Bhadrakapa Buddhas attained enlightenment. We have strived to organize the Nyingma Molam Chemo World Peace Prayer. This prayer is said to bring even more merits than dedicating to the myriad Buddhas and Bodhisattvas gold gathered from the three thousand great chiliocosm (tri-sahasra-mahā-sahasra-loka-dhātu).

Just as it is recorded in tetras and as everybody knows, we have to adjust our motivations and eradicate our hatred and our desire for fame and riches– the roots that cause us to stray and disengage from our wholesome karma. Ancient patriarchs have said: “If we can break away from the control of the Eight Dharmas, if we cultivate compassion and loving-kindness unceasingly and have attained a pure mind, than we are sure to be able to benefit both ourselves and others.”

At present, seeking long-term peace and well-being are the basis of the “precious teachings of the Buddha”. In order not to regress but to progress, and to mend things that have already declined or deteriorated, we earnestly entreat you, the benefactors, to practice even more diligently in seeking your own well-being through all sorts of practical or convenient means, directly or indirectly.

It is paramount that we contemplate in this way: “Now that evil deeds are like torrential storms, wars, famines, droughts, and floods are common the world over, and illness and infectious diseases are so prevalent that it is hard for people to live in peace. May all these calamities soon subside and may the glory of peace and harmony fill the entire universe; may all sentient-beings attain Bodhi-citta; may they relinquish all bad motives and cease fighting with and deceiving others. 

The myriad dharmas arise from its own cause and will remain if it is the wish of sentient-beings. Whatever wishes that are prayed for shall be realized according to this same principle.” If one can integrate his wish with a pure mind, then he will be able to accumulate resources both for himself and others. The faith and volition of those who have donated with a wholesome volition will not at all be wasted. Furthermore, Sakyamuni Buddha and all who have attained enlightenment also followed the key practice of virtue and generosity, especially for the well-being of all sentient beings. This practice is the key to drive away all hindrances, and is therefore the most “precious friend” of all who are on the path of cultivating Buddha Dharma. Above all, to protect and sustain the Triple Gems for the welfare of sentient beings is said to be the most sacred of treasures. Therefore, if we can contribute with pure volition, the merits will be immeasurable.

As Vice Chairman of the World Peace Prayer Organization and sponsor for the 2008, and 2010 event, I am honored to report that the World Peace Prayers Ceremonies (Nyingma Molam Chemo )were very successful.Due to the kind support fromy You , we were able to meet our commitment for this annual sacred event that also benefited many local people and businesses here in India. In addition, millions and millions of butter lamps and flowers were offered for all the participants throughout these 10-14 days of prayers for and World Peace and the liberation of all sentient beings.

I would like to, on behalf of Nyingma Molam Chemo as well as the sixteen thousand sanghas present here, extend my utmost gratitude to all institutions, organizations, and individuals who offered support for this puja. 

I hope all spiritual leaders,  and  this the World Peace Prayers Ceremony (Nyingma Molam Chemo )can continue to work together in harmony to continue to promote and spread the Buddhadharma for the well-being of all sentient beings. 


His Eminence the 9th Minling Khenchen Rinpoche
Vice Chairman, World Peace Prayer Organization.











敝人謹代表「寧瑪世界和平大祈願法會(Nyingma Molam Chemo)」、及所有與會之一萬六千名僧眾,對所有護持「寧瑪世界和平大祈願法會」的組織與團體、個人致上萬分感謝。


謹此祈願「諸位引導清淨具信者之眼飾」(德者)能「積聚此圓滿資糧之殊勝福田」(Nyingma Molam Chemo) 與「吾等前譯寧瑪派六大寺之所有寺院」一如水乳交融, 致教法於未來直至虛空常存持續保持,饒益有情!」

第九世敏卓林堪千仁波切 / 世界和平祈願大法會副主席 


◎寧瑪世界和平大祈願法會(Nyingma Molam Chemo)影片 :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYkKeAXSOW0&feature=share  

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【達賴尊者與貝諾法王對寧瑪茉蘭千茉的期許與祝福 & 2010年第二十一屆寧瑪茉蘭千茉祈願大法會通啟 】http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/theeasternsun-khenchen/article?mid=2725&prev=2815&next=2717&l=f&fid=5

美好法音( 7) 2009 敏林幻化舞之旅 ~~尊貴的第九世敏卓林堪千仁波切與十方結緣的DVD】

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