
~~ Kyabje Mindrolling Trichen Rinpoche





The essence of Dharma lies in being true to oneself (one's innate nature) and in exerting great effort to be courageous. When truth and the courage to walk on the path of truth are joined with mindfulness, a practitioner truly begins to practice the dharma. Until these qualities of truth and courage are generated, we will be vulnerable to our own pretenses and fabrications.

The arising of truth and courage allows us to realize the core essence of dharma. Not understanding this leads us into the trap of endless cyclic existence. A lack of courage keeps us from being true to our Budhha nature.

Both virtuous and nonvirtuous actions are formed in the mind. Actions—though more apparent – are secondary to our motivation. Even an apparently virtuous action is of little benefit if the root of our motivation is selfishness. Any action performed with wisdom and selfless motivation is an expression of our own Buddha nature. (Kyabje Mindrolling Trichen Jurme Kunzang Wangyal. )                                            


 ~ 譯者/楊書婷 居士/ 選自Sandra Scale 編著《寧瑪大師的聖語》/(Sacred Voices of the Nyingma  Masters), Padma Publishing 2004出版

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