【 精進 ‧清淨 ‧燃起五十萬盞希望 與 光明 】
~~ 結夏安居‧依藏曆每年於藏曆6月15日至7月30日舉辦45天明燈燈供大法會。
2009年結夏安居將自國曆8月5日~ 9月18日舉行。
萬燈綻光明 彰顯本自具足佛性
齋僧燄續佛燈 饒益法界有情
諸位佛子菩薩們,如法齋僧與布施燈具光明之功德不可思議;故而敬邀您,護持敏卓林佛學院將於8月16 至 9月29日 (藏曆6月15至7月30)之結夏安居。依由開山祖師德達林巴尊者自創寺以來340年餘之傳承,全寺435位僧眾於結夏安居45天期間,舉行明燈燈供大法會。敏林堪千仁波切表示:「人天長夜,災噩連年。今年結夏安居的法會,將供養五十萬盞明燈,致力於迴向四川、緬甸及西藏事件中之罹難者與倖存者皆能解脫大怖畏,濟以法界安寧;願饒益有情,世界趣向和平、繁榮。」
am 5:00- 7:00 晨禱與釋迦牟尼佛暨十六阿羅漢祈禱法會
7:00- 7:30 休息
7:30-10:00 佛法課程
10:00 休息
10:30-12:00 釋迦牟尼佛暨十六阿羅漢祈禱法會
pm 12:00- 2:00 午膳
2:00- 4:00 薦拔亡者之超度法會
4:00- 4:30 供奶茶
4:30–6:00 僧眾自修或個人禪修時間
6:00- 7:00 晚禱 (瑪哈嘎拉護法修持、供養地神、煙供、吉 祥積聚等修持法會)
7:00- 8:00 輕食‧晚膳
8:00- 9:30 佛法課程自修
9:30-10:30 個人的晚禱或修持禪定
10:30 繼續修持或禪坐 亦可就寢
法會時間:2008 8/16~~9 / 29 / (藏曆6月15至7月30共45天)
護持辦法:1) 祈請45位發心護法‧個人或團體擔任【壹日總壇主】;壹日所需之齋糧、供茶、供品、供花、供燈酥油之淨資約臺幣參萬元。
【 法會45天期間皆可參贊,如蒙發心護持,祈請盡量於8月10日 前郵政劃撥,以利大德芳名上供壇城45天。超薦亡者敬請註明往生者,或祈願事項,謝謝您 】
【 護 持 帳 號 】:
◎ 佛學院結夏安居與燈供法會
由堪千仁波切直接授權官方部落格辦理 :
郵政劃撥:19811739 戶名:鄭志雄
◎請注意: 隸屬於敏卓林佛學院,由敏林堪千仁波切直接領導與管理 的 The Eastern Sun Group ,仁波切並未授權在臺成立「佛學會」之社會團體組織。
◎歡迎連結仁波切對全球英文官方網站http://www.khenchenrinpoche.org 之 support 頁面http://www.khenchenrinpoche.org/2-support.htm於官方網站可徵信帳號或線上( On-line Credit Card )刷卡護持‧如使用線上供養‧務必煩將迴向名單email至:easternsun9@yahoo.com.tw ,並請註明護持項目及迴向或吩咐代辦事項~~衷心感謝您 )
Yarne, The Summer Retreat
Yarne is a principal monastic rite which has continued since Buddha's time. It is held in the summer during the rainy season and is commonly known as the "Summer" or "Rain" Retreat. Yarne lasts for 45 days, from the 15th day of the 6th lunar month to the 30th day of the 7th lunar month of the Tibetan calendar. The retreat is held in accordance with the instructions of the Buddha in the Vinaya Sutra directing all monks to observe certain restrictions and engage themselves in meditation and practices for this period. ‘Sojong’ or confessions are offered by the sangha on two occasions during this retreat. On the evening of the 30th, the last day of the retreat, selected monks give teachings and expound the Dharma to the community. Many butter lamps are offered and pujas are done during the retreat.
India Mindrolling Ngagyur Nyingma College
Rain Retreat
500,000 Lamps Lighting Ceremony
The lamps are blooming bright, underlining the self-sufficiency of Buddha’s nature.
Let’s benefits the sentient beings of the Dharma realms
by offering feasts to the Sangha and by lighting lamps.
Once in the past, when His Holiness Dzogchen Ranyak Patrul Rinpoche was attending his spiritual practice in a cave, He asked a practitioner , “Can you recall your past lives? I can recall mine up to few centuries ago, and that in one of my lives’ time, I happened to reincarnate into a prostitute. During that life, I gave a gold bracelet as dana to a grand sage named Black Star, and since then, I have never been borne as animals or man of stupidity.” There was also another event where Mahakasyapa alms food from an old lady. Respectfully, this poor old lady offered him with half a bowl of rice-soup which was about to turn bad. Soon after this good deed, this old lady then was liberated from all forms of sufferings and transmigrated to Tusita, with her illuminant body, King Indra (King of the Thirty-three Heaven) was so amazing and this attracted him to plant meritorious deeds in Catur Dvipa (the Saha World). As stated in one of the Buddhist scriptures, Buddha said, “Ananda, the Tathagatha has been existed in the Dharma realm, and the meritorious act of merely putting palms together can never be worn off, and not to mention about the meritorious virtues acquired from other forms of dana. Ananda, the virtuous roots of taking refuge to the Triple Gems can never be worn off during the course of reincarnation, and all these served as the roots of attaining Buddhahood.”
Sons of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, if you offer feast to the Sangha and offer dana to light up lamps, the meritorious virtues areinconceivable. We therefore would like to invite you to participate in the 45-Days Rain Retreat as organized by Mindrolling Ngagyur Nyingma College,
starting from 16th August to 29th September 2008
(which is the mid of sixth to end of seventh Tibetan month). Ever since the establishing of this temple by our primogenitor, omniscientTri Chögyal Terdag Lingpa more than 340 years ago, all 435 monks of the temple had then started the tradition of organizing a 45-Days Rainy Retreat annually, and during these 45 days, they would hold Lamps Light Ceremony as well. As said by His Eminent Khenchen Rinpoche, “During these present days, disasters are incessant. During this coming Rainy Retreat, we shall be lighting 500,000 lamps, and shall transfer the merits to all the victims and survivors of the tragedies in Sichuan , Myanmar and Tibet , wishing that they could be liberated from all forms of fear and terror. Also, I hope all sentient beings can be benefited by this ceremony, and may the Dharma realm be full of serenity, peace and prosperity.”
We are fortunate to be able to learn to the Dharma, and it’s a blessing that we can have the chance to accumulate pure kharma like this. As such, you and I are destined to benefit yourselves and also all the sentient beings, performing all the good deeds with a pure heart.
Mindrolling 45-Days Rainy Retreat (Time Schedule)
05:00 - 07:00 am Morning Chant and Sakyamuni Buddha & the Sixteen Arahat Prayer Ceremony
07:00 - 07:30 am Short break
07:30 - 10:00 am Buddhist talks
10:00 - 10:30 am Short break
10:30 – noon Sakyamuni Buddha & the Sixteen Arahat Prayer Ceremony
Noon - 02:00 pm Lunch
02:00 - 04:00 pm Prayer for the death
04:00 - 04:30 pm Tea break (milk tea provided)
04:30 - 06:00 pm Self-study and own meditation time for Sangha and lay devotees
06:00 - 07:00 pm Night Chanting (Prayer for Mahakala, Offering to Land-deity, Offering of incense, and various kinds of auspicious prayers)
07:00 - 08:00 pm Light dinner
08:00 - 09:30 pm Self-study for the Buddhist talks
09:30 - 10:30 pm Personal night chanting or meditation time
After 10:30 pm~ Carry on with your own practices or take a rest
The Rainy Retreat cum Lamps Lighting Ceremony last for 45 days. Herewith may I appeal for your benevolent support and may you bring brightness to the Dharma realm.
Date:2008 8/16~~9 / 29 / (mid of sixth to end of seventh Tibetan month, 45 days in total.)
Ways of Dana
1) Appealing for 45 benevolent donors (individual or association) to host as a “the Grand Mandala Donor of the Day”, and the expected donation for the day would be NT30,000/-
2) Dana in any amount (for meals and lighting of lamps for the 45-days ceremony.)
[We would be most appreciated if the donation can be done before the 10th August so as to ease the compilation of donors, items of supplication, as well as the names of the death. Thank you very much.]
Post transfers:19811739 A/C Name: Zeng Chih Hsiung
(As authorized by His Eminence Mindrolling Khenchen Rinpoche to take full responsibility of the Account.)
Contact Number:(02)2242-1210.0958934288
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