~~ 興旺佛門龍象與教法,饒益遍有情 !
在此,謹致我最衷心的祝福與祈願 !
─第十二任敏卓林澈清法座持有者 ( 第十二任敏林澈清法王 ) /OUR MISSION /
《俱舍論大疏》說:在有漏的善法中,修經堂的功德最大。為僧眾修經堂,隨力支持隨喜者,將來在此經堂內進行的所有聞思修行的善根,皆同等獲得。( 佛學院 2012.重初時之拆置景況)
《地藏菩薩本願經》亦云:復次地藏,遇先佛塔廟,或至經像,毀壞破落,乃能發心修補。是國王等,或自營辦,或勸他人,乃至百千人等布施結緣。是國王等,百千生中,常為轉輪王身。如是他人同布施者,百千生中,常為小國王身。更能於塔廟前,發迴向心,如是國王,乃及諸人,盡成佛道。以此果報,無量無邊。 (佛學院重建之近況~ 是不是很令人期盼與欣喜呢 ?)
~ 願臻吉祥!
已因您的愛而拉拔成長....它結出智慧和福德的果實,聳入天際 !
Rejoice in your interest and merits in supporting the Sangha. With your generosity more Sangha will be offered.
On our long journey towards wisdom, we need the support and the inspiration of the Sangha and therefore, by supporting the venerable monks, we hope that their will be persevere in their task of preserving and propagating the teachings.
May all be auspicious!
May the precious supreme Bodhicitta,
Grow where it has not yet grown,
Never diminish where it has grown,
And flourish forever more.
由尊貴的敏林堪千仁波切所執掌之「前譯派高級佛學院‧經續善說州」 (雅久寧瑪佛學院 ),於一九八八年經達賴喇嘛破土後於印度重新建校,時因財力維艱,經費拮窘,權以少數鐵條、簡便技術之便宜建材建立,以提供僧眾精進、辦道之處所。
過去數年由十方善信所發心護持敏卓林圖書館與學舍興建計畫之資糧,正為此次佛學院重建( 仍涵括圖書館與學舍之建設) 之基金。然而重建之規模與所需已比先前宏大,故而仍需十方大德支持。
謹盼十方大德宿植德本,共同護持佛學院僧眾之安居與學習,並能將此訊息傳達給您四周的朋友,令具緣者共植此福田,饒益有情!謝謝您 !
各位善友 : 胡適嘗言,「我借出的錢,從來不盼望收回;原因是,永遠有利息在人間!」無私心意的涓滴匯集,能使他人得以脫離難處 ....能使他人身心得以安住...能使他人光明溫暖... 而我們或許也能在來日相應此身心輕安‧自在美好的微笑\
Dear Friends in the Dharma, Mindrolling College, known as Ngagyur Nyingma College,
was originally built in 1988 with a main shrine and thirty-five (35) rooms to accommodate twenty-five (25) Buddhist monks. Since that time, many more monks have joined the college and new rooms were added. Today there are one hundred fifty-five (155) monks attending the college and there are not enough rooms to house them properly. The difficult environment and atmosphere this creates as the monks concentrate on their studies and dharma practices, is no longer acceptable. In addition, sub-standard materials were used in the original construction and permanent construction is urgently needed at this time.
Construction of the New Ngagyur Nyingma College of Mindrolling began last year. After many years, the former patchwork repairs are no longer a viable solution for the college to house the monk students; therefore, it was decided to demolish and reconstruct the entire college. Due to the increased number of monk students, the expanded plans will accommodate a total of 87 rooms, kitchen, dining area, restrooms, etc. which should take 2-3 years to complete.
Rejoice in your interest and merits in supporting the Sangha. With your generosity more Sangha will be offered.On our long journey towards wisdom, we need the support and the inspiration of the Sangha and therefore, by supporting the venerable monks, we hope that their will be persevere in their task of preserving and propagating the teachings.
May all be auspicious!
We named this reconstruction plan as “The Hopeful Tree” ,
because “tree” symbolizes the cycle of four seasons.
Moreover, the branches of trees and the flourishing of its green leaves also leave our predecessors with the most precious gift. As for this Buddhist Institute, it actually emblematize “Hopeful Tree” of Dharma inheritance.
My dear friends;
Are you willing to take care of “This Tree” with us?
It needs your constant watering, fertilizing, and caring; with intangible material danas, as well as immaterial blessings.
One day, when you look up at the sky, you might find
Such a “Hopeful Tree” which once planted deeply within your heart
Was blooming because of your love and care
Borne with fruits of wisdom and merits, domineering over the sky
May the precious supreme Bodhicitta,
Grow where it has not yet grown,
Never diminish where it has grown,
And flourish forever more.
◎Minling Khenchen Rinpoche, who is in-charge of the college and this reconstruction project, along with Ms. Hsu Tanyo (許居士), of Taiwan, are the only authorized fundraisers where you can offer your support for this College Reconstruction project.
◎懇請各位善友留意 :
敏林堪千仁波切從未曾委託與「類似官方部落格名稱之佛學會」、.或委託個人以任何相冊示眾而為仁波切之佛行利生事業進行勸募;敏林堪千仁波切於其英文官網(http://www.khenchenrinpoche.org/) 公告載明 : 佛學院重建唯一授權勸募者為官方部落格團隊之許居士;所有訊息均以官方部落格與 FB「敏卓林金剛薩埵」專頁公告十方與執行。
謝謝各位善友多年來對敏林堪千仁波切官方部落格團隊的信任與支持 !
感恩 !
◎歡迎點閱Mindrolling Vajrasattva (Minling Dorsem)敏卓林金剛薩埵─中文官方臉書網頁 : http://www.facebook.com/mindroling
【電話】(02)2242-1210 •0958-934288
【paypal線上刷卡護持】http://www.khenchenrinpoche.org/ (於英文官網首頁或support 頁面皆可使用paypal線上刷卡護持, paypal 單據或編號與迴向名單敬請email至easternsun9@yahoo.com.tw 謝謝 )
【附註1】目前仍結緣多竹千法王加持之金剛結(http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/theeasternsun-khenchen/article?mid=4698&prev=4733&next=4684 )
◎延伸閱讀 :溫故知新‧您可以瞭解更多~~
【第十二任敏卓林敏林澈清座主之親函~ 我們的使命 ( Our Mission ) 】
【Mindrolling History 達賴五世尊者與密嚴剎土烏金敏卓林】