讓我們持咒祝禱與持續自淨利他的實踐與行動 ~~ 願你我不論於何方,
皆能緣於「法」而開啟善門,並共同為此娑婆供養光明 !
並衷心感謝您多年來對我們的默默關心與護持。感恩 !
~ 齋僧燄續佛燈‧啟以法界光明 ~
敏卓林佛學院 2017 結夏安居暨明燈燈供法會通啟
【福田 1 : 敏卓林佛學院 2016 結夏安居暨萬燈燈供法會通啟】
2017˙8 /7 ~ 9 /20 ( 45天 │依藏曆每年 6月 15 至 7 月 30 日 )
降伏魔力怨 除結盡無餘
露地擊楗椎 比丘聞當集
諸欲聞法人 度流生死海
聞此妙響音 盡當雲集此~ 《佛說受新歲經》
結夏安居 的傳統始於佛陀時代延續至今。雨季安居期間不只僧眾,連在家居士都奉行戒律;於此期間,居士或有茹素、暫停飲酒或抽菸。
佛陀教授了許多關於如何善用自己想法或正確的思考方式之重要性。如佛所言,所有事物皆取決於心,其掌控一切,身體感受之悅樂或痛苦亦由心生。因此,佛陀首先教導我們擺脫心中的消極情緒,如慾望、仇恨、無知、我執等等,因為其將吾人感覺到的一切轉變成不愉悅的狀態。若身體的一部分不舒服,心就會意識到,乃因心具掌控性,其又根據感知的情況來決定身體狀況。因此,偉大的寂天菩薩(Shandit deva)說:「有情獄兵器,施設何人意?誰製燒鐵地?妖女從何出?佛說彼一切,皆由惡心造。」(入菩薩行論第五品)
─ 許悔之
佛陀至忉利天為母親說法時,天人界的天人不知應以天人們的飲食供養釋尊,或以人間的食物供養這位人天怙主 ? 後來佛陀說了:「我來自人間,就以人間的食物供養我吧 !」於是天人們便歡喜的以人間飲食供養佛陀。
唐道宣律師,持戒嚴謹,感天人送食。某日律師問天神:「人間作何功德最大?」 天神敬答: 「齋僧功德最大!」
唐肅宗亦曾問國師云。朕要設齋布施。每聞僧尼間無戒德。如何即是。答曰:「荊山有尚雜塵沙。麗水有金寧無瓦礫 ……… 但供養泥龍。自有真龍降雨。」
佛曾說: 「我不攝眾,我亦是僧數」;於僧眾中會有已成就或當成就之賢聖。
故吾人如理如法供僧如供佛 !
願燈具成為等同三千大千世界 願燈芯僅成須彌山王
願燈油僅成汪洋 此燈之數 億盞得現於每尊佛前
願此光明 消除三有頂以下 無間地獄以上 所有無明之黑暗
願十方諸佛菩薩之淨土 皆得願明親見 嗡 班雜 阿洛給 阿吽 ~ 點燈祈願文
◎【護持結夏安居 ~ 祈請十方善信無量隨喜與踴躍 】:
1) 祈請45位發心護法功德主 ( 供養參與45天法會齋糧與明燈供養 )以個人或團體擔任【壹日總壇主】:壹日所需之齋糧、供茶、供品、供花、供燈酥油之淨資約臺幣參萬元。
2) 歡迎隨喜供養 (供養參與45天法會齋糧及明燈燈供 ) § 45天期間皆歡迎參贊,如蒙發心護持,祈請盡量提前郵政劃撥( 可先行email 或以傳真迴向名單。
懇請註明劃撥之日期或預定劃撥之日 ) │ 亡者先人敬請註明「往生者」。謝謝。
【福田 2 : 智慧良田 】
於2017.7 月應巴麥欽哲仁波切邀請蒞台口傳《四心滴》之尊貴的第九世東滇仁波切 ( H.E.Choje Togden Rinpoche ),為直貢噶舉傳承拉達克法主 ─最高的精神領袖(Choje)。
並感謝所有發心護持敏卓林密續經典助印的大德,此中饒益與榮耀,同屬大家 !
於是他說道:「文殊菩薩啊!上師說 "只有積累福報才能開智慧",現在我要把印經板扔到空中,如果它掉下來,就說明上師說錯了;如果不掉下來,那上師就是對的(他只是找個借口而已,自己也知道百分之百會掉下來)。」說完以後,將板子扔了上去。
目前最新決定為印製正在進行編製之典籍 :《妙慧極明論》(legshed Sherab rabsel );或譯為 《般若(妙慧)極明疏》。
此經典共七輯( 7000本),所需編製印行之費用為台幣七十萬元 ~ 尚祈各位善友慷慨隨喜共植此智慧福田,以利僧眾學習 ,吾人亦同種智慧之因 !
( 敬請註明助印項目, 謝謝 )
【福田 3 : 三千諸佛皆出在廚中─金衣缽,銀客堂,珍珠瑪瑙下廚房之能量良田 】
協助大慈菩薩之工作 : 廚房雖然是苦行地但卻也是成佛作祖之地。叢林裡,許多大德都親自服役 於廚房,修行人之性命,實繫於廚中人之手,如法辦造飲食,奉佛供僧者,謂之大慈悲菩薩。 |
仁波切新送來的這畝福田 ,乃因目前佛學院使用的是LPG gas,每天需用掉一桶,費用高昂。
在訪視了其他寺院的廚房設施後,發現其節能性佳 (可10-15天置換一瓶 );同時採以蒸氣為主來烹食,較為衛生之外,時間上也快了一倍以上。
經由評估後,置換廚房能源設備與相關炊事裝置的更新費用約需35萬台幣。( 更新:截至 8/14不足二十萬元 )
( 敬請註明護持 廚房設施更新, 謝謝 )
【電話】( 02 )2242-1210 • 0958-934288
【傳真】( 02 ) 2304-7338
【護 持】郵政劃撥 : 50351331 │ 戶名 :徐淑慧
( 敬請註明護持項目 )
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( 單據 & 迴向名單請 Email 至 easternsun9@yahoo.com.tw 謝謝)
【附註】如蒙發心,歡迎先行以email 、簡訊或傳真迴向名單,以利迴向名單之製作傳抵,謝謝!
[A few gentle reminders & suggestions for Monsoon retreat 2017 from H.H.9th Minling Khenchen Rinpoche ]
The tradition of Monsoon retreat or summer retreat began during Buddha’s time and has continued till now.
During the monsoon retreat, not only monastic but also Laypeople observe the retreat. Lay people sometimes give up things like eating meat, drinking alcohol, or smoking during monsoon retreat.
I know people have received many teachings or have done many practices which would be enough to be born in Buddha field or be enlightened. However, there are some people who want more teachings or advices, or who want to be reminded again and again. Therefore, now I am sharing with you and hope this would energize you all to work harder towards attaining whatever you all wish for.
To do any Dharma Practices, it is very important to have a good motivation. Practicing dharma, like chanting mantras and listening to the teachings, will bear no fruit without good motivation. So it is important in the first place to know the reason behind doing any practices. For instance, burning incense or butter lamp is true practice and also be considered a merit, if it is carried out with a pure motivation. I have noticed that many people pay less attention on altruistic mind and good motivation even while prostrating in shrines and temples, except few people. Therefore, whenever we are in an act of performing a merit, we should aim for the benefit of oneself and others. We should all bear it in mind that very reason for accumulating such merits is to fulfill the temporal and ultimate happiness of all sentient beings.
Offerings made to others can be considered a merit if it is initiated with the kind motivation of benefitting others. So it all depends on the way we think, and a virtuous act can be identifiedand differentiated from an unvirtuous one·
Without such motivation, it would be hard to identify an act as virtuous one. Therefore, we should not misunderstand that the act of offering, prostrating and chanting alone as a virtue, but should give more importance on benefitting others. For instance, even while working for few hours in office, be it in government sector or a private one, if one does it with the pure motivation and
Moreover, most people cling on the concept of mediation and staying retreat as a true dharma, but in reality, helping others with pure mind is also of same importance. Instead, if someone performs a dharma with the aim of benefitting oneself and for the sake of fame and wealth, it may look like an act of true dharma but is not. So, it is important to examine our own mind. Some people circumambulate a temple or hold a rosary, but if examined properly, they may be actually criticising about others status and so on. The essence of Buddha dharma is the compassionate mind, which you can feel from the state of your mind. One can relate all beings as equal on the bases of oneself desiring peace and avoid suffering.
If we have deeper understanding about these two facts, gradually the mind of considering others more important than oneself will arise. A genuine compassionate mind should be accompanied by four immeasurability. The temporal compassionate mind that has instantly grown right now can hardly continue for a day or two. A true dharma is not just about making offerings to Buddhas and Bodhisttavas
A Dharma can be understood as following a path that is ethically and morally right. Moreover, it would be excellent if one can accomplish all subjects of practices taught from Tantras and sutras. But it is difficult to practice them all for us; nevertheless, it would be worth of doing a true practice that can link us to a positive life in the future. Lacking this knowledge, many of us are left behind as we confine our practices to a small limitation like chanting, circumambulating, prostrating and offering butter lamps. A realized practitioner of Buddhist philosophy is unbound from lots of alternatives.Even if it isimpossible to master the philosophy, it is enough to have a pure motivation, which is the essence of all Buddha dharma. As said by Buddha and Guru Padmasambhava that without the essence of pure motivation, no practice will bear fruit.
The Buddha has taught us a lot about the importance of knowing how to utilize one’s mind or the way a person should think. As he has said that all things are depended on mind and a mind can dominate everything, the pleasure or pain a body can feel is also dependent on mind. Therefore, Buddha first taught us to get rid of negative emotions of our mind like desire, hatred, ignorance, ego etc, as they transform everything we feel into an un-pleasant condition. If a part of our body is not comfortable, the mind will realize it and as the mind is more dominant, it decides the condition of our body based on the conditions of its own. Hence, the great Bodhisattva Shanditdeva said, “The land of burning irons in hell, who created it? What caused the big and furious fire all around in hell? It is no one but the sinful mind as said by the Buddha”. All thefearful things that person may see or experience in hell are caused by the ignorant and careless mind. Therefore, before doing anything, it is very important to examine the state of our mind and think about the consequences that it may lead to. A lot of mistakes are made due to lack of such examination. If the mind is properly examined as I have said, we can get rid of making more mistakes and we can gain peace and happiness.
So as we all know, each day we are getting older and our senses becoming weak comparing to our teenage years. Internal and external of our body, things are changing so fast that we are not able to control it. We are pushed by this changing force that we have no time to think properly what we are doing and the benefits of all these. So, it is never too late to STOP FOR SECONDS AND THINK.
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