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一個徒弟從師學音樂,晃眼三年,對中國傳統音樂的主要系統, 幾乎都精熟了。金、石、絲、竹、匏、土、革、 木各種樂器他都學過,能敲編鐘、彈琴、吹簫笛笙壎, 也懂得如何打鼓擊節。於是他三天兩頭問師父:「 我什麼時候能出去演奏呢?」 
師父勸他別急,反覆問他:「你聽見音樂了嗎? 你真的聽見音樂了嗎?」徒弟每次都回答:「當然聽見, 我都能演奏了,怎麼可能聽不見音樂呢?音樂就在我的樂器裡啊!」 
師父感受到徒弟急著要去見世面闖天下的心情, 也知道很難再留他繼續學習了。於是師父說:「這樣吧! 在你離開前,該去見見我的師父吧!」 
徒弟沒想到師父還有師父,問:「師父的師父在哪裡?」師父說:「 我帶你去。」
師徒兩人走進山裡,越入越深,到了沒有人的地方, 到了沒有路的地方,徒弟焦急問:「 師父的師父怎麼可能在這種地方?」 
走了一整天,穿過一片瀑布,師父終於停下來,對徒弟說:「 你等在這裡,千萬別亂走動,免得迷路在山中。我去請我的師父, 看他願不願意見你,教你出師前最後的本事。」 
徒 弟等著,一會兒天黑了。接著夜慢慢深了。 四處完全看不見任何東西,他心裡又急又怕, 祇好拚命豎起耳朵聽四周是否有什麼異狀。慢慢地, 他聽到近處遠處不同的水聲,聽到風聲,藉由風的流動, 聽出了樹的位置,與樹的形狀。他聽到蟲聲, 也聽到不知名小動物試探的腳步聲。 
無窮的聲音湧動著,讓他耳朵應接不暇。聲音與聲音相激, 產生更多的聲音。聲音與聲音相續出現,似乎也就呼應產生了節奏、 韻律。他聽到像音樂又不是音樂的東西,以前沒有聽過, 不知該如何形容的東西。 
他聽了一夜的聲音,直到天色開始泛白。慢慢地, 他錯覺自己聽到了雲色如何亮開的聲音。他把眼睛閉上, 聽到一個神秘的聲音,不是從耳朵裡來,而是從心底來的, 太陽爬上對面山頂的聲音。 
太陽高掛,師父才出現,平靜地問徒弟:「你遇到我的師父了嗎?」 徒弟猶豫一下,回答:「應該遇到了吧。」 
從山裡回來,徒弟無法再演奏任何樂器。 因為相較於山中之夜聽到的,樂器的聲音如此單薄、貧乏、無聊, 讓他覺得厭倦不堪。徒弟黯然地告訴師父:「我聽見音樂了, 天地的音樂,所以我不想再碰觸任何人的音樂了。」 
好 長一段時間,徒弟躲開市街上的人聲喧鬧,也不願意演奏樂器, 一心一意想著山中之夜聽到的天地音樂。有一天, 半出於好奇半出於無聊,他拿起布滿了灰塵的笛子隨手擦拭, 放到嘴邊吹出聲音來。吹著吹著,心底有了一種前所未有的興趣, 再吹下去,音樂的快樂重新回到他身上,他用力吹努力吹, 吹完之後才發現自己竟然不知不覺中冒了一身汗, 而且不知不覺中繞著房子走了好幾圈。 
而且師父就站在他身邊。師父欣慰地微笑拍拍他說:「現在, 你可以去演奏了。」 
徒 弟大惑不解:「為什麼?為什麼會有這樣的變化?」師父解釋:「 因為你懂得了不去跟天地之聲競爭, 不再試著要演奏出比天地之聲更美更豐富的聲音, 而是專注地讓自己的音樂,與外在聲音相呼應, 用你的音樂去改造外面的聲音,你的音樂,不再是單獨存在的。 於是,你不再是個樂匠,成為一個樂師了!」( 文│楊照 )


敏林堪千仁波切The crucial point of recitation practice│The Six Sense Object ─ Sounds 持咒之關鍵 │六塵 ─ 聲塵














「阿」 此乃象徵無生本性之種子音,被視為一切音聲之源,涵蓋一切佛智之髓;特別是,自「阿」字所升起的六字大明咒。當你持誦咒語,認清所有一切音聲皆緣自虛無, 就如同曼陀羅的無盡延展-這,即為諸佛之言語。隨之,即便是三兩句的咒語,亦可結成豐碩之果。這,是為將一切音聲趣向菩提之修行。




The crucial point of recitation practice│The Six Sense Object ─ Sounds



         To recognize sounds as mantras is the crucial point

                     of recitation practice;

         Clinging to sound as pleasant or unpleasant is liberated

                     into its own nature.

         Free of grasping, the spontaneous sound of samsara

               and nirvana is the voice of the six syllables.

           In the self-liberation of hearing, recite the

                       six-syllable mantra.
Usually, to listen to words of praise, good news, or beautiful music gives us pleasure; while, on the other hand, to hear criticism, false accusation about ourselves, bad news about those we love, or loud, dissonant noises immediately makes us feel distressed or irritated. The capacity to create such mood is a property not of these various sounds themselves, but of clinging mind. The Bodhisattva, who knows that the nature of mind is unborn, perceives all sounds, whether pleasant or unpleasant, as mantra. Praise does not make him feel proud, and harsh words, instead of inciting his anger, only increase his patience and compassion. If you perceive all sounds as mantra, good or bad news will no more disturb you than the wind can disturb a mountain. In fact, to get upset when you hear bad news is only to create suffering for yourself; it will neither bring the dead back to life nor restore stolen possession.

Like all phenomena, sounds are the result of a combination of various causes and circumstances and do not exist as independent entities. The beautiful sound of a lute depends on the proper tuning of all its strings, and if one string is broken or out of tune the sound it produces is discordant and unpleasant. Examine any sound carefully and deeply; the natural sounds of the weather, wind, thunder, and the rustling of leaves, as well as animal calls, human speech and song, are composed of the basic elements of sound, and the nature of these is voidness.

The seed-syllable A, which symbolizes the unborn nature, is considered to be the source of all sounds and to contain the essence of the wisdom Buddhas. In particular, from it arises the six-syllable mantra. While you recite the mantra, recognize all sounds as arising from voidness, as an infinite display of mantras-the speech of the Buddhas. Then, even a smaller number of recitation will bear fruit. This is the practice of bringing all sounds to the path.

Ordinary conversation, which is fundamentally the expression of attachment and hatred, will only cause the wheel of delusion to spin faster and faster. But the recitation of mantra will protect your mind and lead you to realize the wisdom nature of speech. Therefore, recite the mani at all times, until it becomes one with your breathing.

─ H.H.Minling Khenchen Rinpoche

 您可以了解更多 :

The Six Sense Object ─Forms│敏林堪千仁波切之開示 ~ 將一切視為佛境 │六塵之色法




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