(( ( 禮敬 喇嘛蔣揚札巴/文殊稱 尊者 )) )
喇嘛蔣揚札巴(文殊稱)尊者 ,於七月二十七日(藏曆六月一日)於敏卓林傳承 - 魯木饒寺圓寂,住世九十六載。
於七月二十七日始,喇嘛蔣揚札巴 尊者於無人隨側下,禪坐進入金剛三摩地,並持續至八月四日。
於此期間,天空出現了奇景。遠近村鄰的人們每天皆可看見彩虹於寺院上空,而其古棟( 聖體) 可聞芬芳。
尊者教授德達林巴大伏藏師全集十八函,羅千達瑪師利大譯師全集二十五函,以及伏藏師榮仁多吉之法教。( 註:.第八世敏林堪千仁波切為榮仁多傑尊者之轉世 )
Lama Jamyang Dhakpa passed away on 27th July in Lumorah monastery at the age of 96.
Just two days before his death When the monks preparing to get medical help, lama said no need as his time for death has come. On the 27th July, he sat straight in vajra smadhi and continued till 4th August. No audiences.
During those days there was miracles in the sky, rainbow above monastery everyday where people could see from far away neighboring villiages and his body( kudung) smelling fragrance.
He had said after 10 to 12 days of his death, listen to his will( wish) which is recorded in audio. On 6th August is his funeral.
During his life time--
he taught the Teachings of Terton Terdag Lingpa( Terchen Khabum which is 18 volumes), Lochen Dharmashiri' teaching( Lochen Khabum which is 25 volumes) and Terton Rangrik Dorge's teachings during his lifetime. He was simple and humble , a very secret meditator.
Homage to Lama Jamyang Dhakpa !
Let's pray for his swift return to benefit all!
⊙Photo Story | Lama Jamyang Dhakpa| Mindroling branch monastery -- Lumorah monastery in China
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