當陷於自己的理想與和他人的期望而左右為難時,尊貴的第十一任敏林澈清法王 (睡覺法王 )曾說:「聆聽每個人的建議,及尊重每個人都有其信念的道理,然而最終去做你認為是正確的。 否則,如果總是根據他人對你的期待而做決定,你將永遠不會快樂 !」
when you torn between your own vision for yourself and the expectations others had of yours ~ ‘Listen to everybody’s advice,’ he said, ‘respect that everybody has their own reasons for their beliefs, and ultimately do what you think is right. Otherwise, if you always make decisions according to what other people want you to do, you will never be happy.’ ─ 11th Mindrolling Trichen Rinpoche
(( 得能聽聞奧義佛法,乃因過去無數劫所累積的功德。
好比人於一生千百頓餐食中,只得嘗一頓飯 ))
經義闡明:「傲慢無正信,於法不希求,外散及内收,疲厭皆聞垢」;此乃聞法六垢(六染污 )。
遠離斯行以避六垢:諸如驕傲地自認為優越於解釋佛法的老師、不信任上師及其教誨、不遵行佛法、攀緣、內在過度專注於五根,以及氣餒(例如當教學長時而無法專注) 。
倘若不具信心,那麼通往佛法之門將會封鎖於「四不壞信( 淨 ) 」。
( 註:所謂「四不壞淨(信)」,即「四種不動搖的純淨信念」。就是建立起了對佛、法、僧、戒的堅強信心,不是一般所謂信仰層面的「信仰」,而是來自於真正的聞、思,爾後又求真求證、實修實證而成致的「信根」。)
沉醉於六塵 (註 : 色、聲、香、味、觸、法 )的意識傾向,是所有輪迴的幻覺及一切苦難的根源。每當你聽聞佛法、教法、禪坐或修鍊,非常重要的是不依於過去,不幻想未來,並且勿令當下的思維因外境而分馳。.
─敏林堪千仁波切 Minling Khenchen Rinpochhe /聞法六垢 /
行者應具正確的聞法方式 : 故需記住聞法時所應避免的行為,其含括法器的三種過失、六種垢染與五不執(持)。
一為不聽教誨,正如同一個上下顛倒之鍋(覆器) : ;二為缺損漏孔之鍋( 漏器 ),無法涵納所聽所聞;三為含毒垢之垢器 ,即所聽所聞參雜混合著負面情緒。
【上下顛倒之鍋( 器皿 ) ─ 耳不注如覆器之過 】
【缺損漏孔之漏器 ─ 意不持如漏器之過 】
倘若僅是聽聞,卻沒有記下或了解所聞法教,將像漏孔的鍋器( 器皿 ),再多的液體注入其內也無法保留。不論聽聞多少教法,永遠無從吸收或付諸實踐。
─敏林堪千仁波切 Minling Khenchen Rinpoche / The Three Defects of the Pot
◎「 Mindrolling Vajrasattva (Minling Dorsem)敏卓林金剛薩埵」:
The right conduct while listening to teachings is described in terms of what to avoid and what to do.
What to Avoid-
Conduct to avoid includes the three defects of the pot, the six stains and the five wrong ways of remembering.
The Three Defects of the Pot
Not to listen is to be like a pot turned upside down. Not to be able to retain what you hear is to be like a pot with a hole in it. To mix negative emotions with what you hear is to be like a pot with poison in it.
The Upside-Down Pot
When you are listening to theteachings, listen to what is being said and do not let yourself be distracted by anything else. Otherwise you will be like an upside-down pot on which liquid is being poured. Although you are physically present, you do not hear a word of the teaching.
The Pot with the Hole
If you just listen without remembering anything that you hear or understand, you will be like a pot with a leak: however much liquid is poured into it, nothing can stay. No matter how many teachings you hear, you can never assimilate them or put them into practice.
The Pot containing Poison
If you listen to the teachings with the wrong attitude, such as desire to become great or famous, or a mind full of the five poisons, the Dharma will not only fail to help your mind; it will also be changed into something that is not Dharma at all, like nectar poured into a pot containing poison.
It is no good listening with only your body physically present, while your mind wanders off after your thoughts and your speech lets loose a rich store of gossip, saying whatever you like and looking around everywhere. When listening to teachings, you should even stop reciting mantras and prayers, or whatever other meritorious activities you may be doing.
After you have listened properly to a teaching in this way, it is then also important to retain the meaning of what has been said without ever forgetting it, and to continually put it into practice.
The teacher gives the disciple instructions explaining how to listen to the Dhrama and how to apply it, how to give up negative actions, how to perform positive ones, and how to practise. It is upto the disciple to remember those instructions, forgetting nothing; to put them into practice; and to realize them.
Just listening to the Dharma is perhaps of some benefit by itself. But unless you remember what you hear, you will not have the slightest knowledge of either the words or the meaning of the teaching- which is no different from not having heard it at all.
If you remember the teachings but mix them with your negative emotions, they will never be the pure Dharma. As the peerless Dagpo Rinpoche says: Unless you practise Dharma according to the Dharma,Dharma itself becomes the cause of evil rebirths.
Rid yourself of every wrong thought concerning the teacher and the Dharma, do not criticize or abuse your spiritual brothers and companions, be free of pride, and contempt, abandon all bad thoughts.For all these cause lower rebirths.
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