
尊貴的噶陀 翁珠仁波切( H.H .Katok Ontul Rinpoche ),  尊貴的敏林堪千仁波切(H.H.Minling Khenchen Rinpoche ) ,尊貴的貝南仁波切( H.E.Penam  Rinpoche ) ,尊貴的昆努仁波切 (H.E Khunu Rinpoche )於山林中共同修法之吉光片羽


敏林堪千仁波切與您分享的小故事 :

輪迴的諷刺│The  Irony Of  Samsara  





這場景人們並不認為有甚麼特別,但舍利弗尊者(ven. Shariputra) 道:

「嘴噬其父之肉,腳踢令母遠離,腿上寵坐前敵,妻啃良人之骨,輪迴何其荒謬 !


該男子已逝的父親於池中轉生為魚。男子捕獲該魚( 他的父親 ),殺魚,並正食此魚肉。俗家男子的母親由於對此居屋依依不捨,故而轉世為此男子之犬。男子的仇人則因侵犯其妻以致被打死;但仇人對其妻依然眷戀不捨,故而轉生為妻之子。

然而,此際他吃著父親的肉,狗(其母轉世)因啃食魚骨,而被此男( 她的兒子)踢打。男子之幼兒(他的仇人),則正安坐於其膝上。




 「無量刼中已作善妙故,此世生於祥瑞聶族中, 祈願諸佛菩薩作攝受,能為引導眾生之嚮導。」

無變普賢無畏(炯美昆桑吉美‧第十二任敏林澈清法王)親書 │ 圖為 怙主 第十一任敏林澈清法王( 睡覺法王 ) 與其子嗣第十二任敏林澈清法王 敏林董瑟仁波切│/ Homage to His Holiness Kyabje 11th Minling Trichen Rinpoche and His Holiness 12th Minling Trichen Rinpoche ( Mindrolling Dungsay Dalha Gyaltsen Rinpoche )


H.E.Minling Khenchen Rinpoche sharing a Story with You :


Imagine this scene: a layman sits in front of his house, eating a fish from the pond behind the house, holding his son in his lap. The dog is eating the fishbones and the man kicks the dog. Not an extraordinary scene one would think,

but ven. Shariputra commented:

"He eats his father's flesh and kicks his mother away,

The enemy he killed he dandles on his lap,

The wife is gnawing at her husband's bones,

Samsara can be such a farce."

What had happened?

The man's father died and was reborn as a fish in the pool, the layman caught his father, the fish, killed it, and was now eating it. . The layman's mother was very attached to the house so she was reborn as the man's dog. The man's enemy had been killed for raping the man's wife; and because the enemy was so attached to her, he was reborn as her son.

While he ate his father's meat, the dog - his mother - ate the fish bones, and so was beaten by her son.His own little son, his enemy, was sitting on his knee.


..........................((( 掬取依怙主之甘露語 )))

 昔日尊貴的 怙主 第十一任敏林澈清仁波切( 睡覺法王) 與 怙主 敦珠法王,怙主初璽法王| 右圖為貝諾法王 | ⊙His Holiness Kyabje 11th Minling Trichen Rinpoche & H.H.Dudjom Rinpoche,& His Holiness Kyabje Trulshik Rinpoche | ⊙His Holiness Kyabje Penor Rinpoche


--怙主 敦珠法王
任何以智慧和無私為動機所做的行為,都是自身佛性的一個展現。--怙主 第十一任敏林澈清法王
修學佛法,主要是:依止具德上師,凡師所囑,竭誠遵從。上師所教的前行:人身難得、壽命無常、業力因果、輪迴過患(以上是四轉思惟)、解脫功德、調整轉 心,是很重要的事。還沒有生起「出離輪迴」的心以前,修行就像是個「影子」一樣,無法做得很正確。未證得大菩提前,要勤修四轉思惟,這樣的話,自己的心和 法就可以結合在一起。
-怙主 貝諾法王
我們和夥伴們是否體驗快樂或痛苦,是否處於和平或暴力的世界,完全取決於我們的心。心決定了是否擁有安樂或痛苦,心境也決定了作為的正確與否。 --怙主 初璽法王
It's imperative to exert yourselves in the practice of guru yoga until you have grasped the vital essence of this pracice.
If you do not do this, your meditation wll grow weaker and even though it creates some benefit, many obstacles will arise.
Producing genuine understanding in the mind is not easy, so pray to your guru with uncontrived, fervent devotion.
Eventually you will receive direct transmission from the enlightened mind of the guru and extraordinary realization, beyond expression in words, will arise.
---Kyabje H.H.Dudjom Rinpoche
Any action performed with wisdom and selfless motivation is an expression of our own Buddha nature.
--Kyabje11th H.H.Minling Trichen Rinpoche
It is very difficult to practice Dharma due to the karmic and emotional defilements which keep us attached to the mundane worldly kind of existence, it is as if you have to climb a mountain with a burden of heavy baggage on your back. You have to undertake a very long and arduous journey in your Dharma practice, but it is very easy for you to lose your footing and fall down on the way. Furthermore your fall back down again will be very swift, much swifter and further than for those who do not carry much of this kind of baggage. When you climb up a steep mountain, it is very difficult and very tiring, similarly the practice of Dharma is also challenging.
To reach the ultimate happiness you have to maintain Dharma practice diligently. When you practice Dharma, you have to abandon any doubts and practice it with a single-pointed mind. There is no need to have doubt concerning Dharma because, since time without beginning, an ocean of practitioners has already attained enlightenment through this kind of practice.
--His Holiness Kyabje Penor Rinoche
If you are able to generate bodhicitta, it will be the cause of every happiness for yourself and others, and all the suffering you encounter in your daily life will be dispelled.
Whether we and our fellow beings experience happiness or suffering, whether we have peace or violence in the world, depends entirely on the condition of our minds.
--Kyabje Trulshik Chokyi Lodro Rinpoche


【敏卓林‧怙主堪千仁波切開示~ ~caring for each other

敏卓林‧敏林堪千仁波切的開示:我們必需瞭知~~ We have to know

【敏卓林‧堪千仁波切的開示:洗滌偏見~~ Cleaning Deviation】

【敏卓林‧怙主堪千仁波切開示~ ~母親 &度母 ~~

【敏卓林‧怙主堪千仁波切開示~ ~無常&心】

【敏卓林‧怙主堪千仁波切開示~ ~何謂中陰 ?~~What's Bardo ?

【敏林堪千仁波切的開示:大愛與正信~~Love and Faith

【敏林堪千仁波切的開示:空性~~ Emptiness】

敏林堪千仁波切的開示:業 ~~karma

【敏卓林‧堪千仁波切的開示:宗派主義 Sectarianism】


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