Continuation of the Lineage activities will be the best way to pay back Guru's kindness !
---Minling Khenchen Rinpoche
前譯寧瑪派魯木饒寺(Lumorah Thupten Shedrupling),地處四川省甘孜州新龍縣,被稱為佛教講修如願至尊之所,聖者密教事部三怙主之地。
藏曆第十五饒迥,火猴年(即1896年),蓮師的大弟子大譯師貝若札那的轉世─榮仁多吉尊者,遵照護法神授記:「於魯木饒地區的西瑪朵修建一座寺廟,將會有利於佛教徒的修行,以及藏漢兩個民族的宗教興旺和政治強盛」。以是之故,榮仁多吉尊者( 第八世敏林堪千仁波切為其轉世 )乃開始於此授記之地修建寺廟。
魯木饒寺與敏卓林寺淵源極深,為敏卓林寺最大最重要的分寺。自西元1896 年建寺以來,即以辦學聞名,是「康藏地區」四大寺院之一(噶陀寺、佐欽寺、白玉寺、魯木饒寺)。
魯木饒寺的歷代堪布則有:堪布加央嘉措、堪布饒阿嘎,堪布登孜瑙巴,堪布慈次,堪布達絨、堪布紮塔、堪布松熱、堪布嘉央、堪布阿曲(此即無餘虹化成就者阿曲尊者) 。
這幾年寺院在信眾的支持下開始了艱難的修復工作,時至今日,感恩歡喜落成 !
( ( ( Congratulations on the inauguration of new shedra - 31st July 2014 happy for Lumorah Thupten Shedrupling Monastery ) ))
For this special day, I, Minling Khenchen congratulate Lama Pema Dorje, Khenpo Lho Tsewang and all the senior Lamas for their continuous hard work for the continuity of the lineage and I am very grateful to all of them. I send my wishes and prayers for their good health, long life and for their success in all the Dharma activities.
Well done, Lama Pema Dorje & Khenpo Lho Tsewang ↓
魯木饒寺(Lumorah Thupten Shedrupling)位居西藏東部之新龍。於西元1896年由榮仁多吉尊者所創建。榮仁多吉尊者為大伏藏師 德達林巴尊者的化身;德達林巴尊者則是寧瑪派敏卓林傳承之開山祖師。魯木饒寺含括了寺院、佛學院、三年期之閉關中心與一個尼寺;無一不遵循敏卓林傳承的傳統和教義。
每年夏令之月份,敏林傳承之歷任澈清座主和堪千座主會為僧眾舉行年度大規模的傳講和灌頂法會。特別是第八世敏林堪千仁波切與敏林炯仁波切(8thMinling Khenchen and Chung Rinpoche)曾數回訪視新龍 魯木饒寺,並於他們的一生中,於魯木饒寺駐錫了很長的一段時間。
爾後,魯木饒寺約有七百名僧人。然而,整個寺院於西藏文革期間幾被摧毀。幸由第八世敏林堪千雅旺欽哲諾布(8th Minling Khenchen Ngawang Khentse Norbu)的弟子無生喇嘛 (Lama Chimmey)接續維護傳承,並開始重建寺院。於其往生後,則由資深喇嘛接續,特別是喇嘛貝瑪多傑(Lama Pema Dorje)和堪布洛隆策旺(Khenpo Lho Tsewang)延續了傳承重責與完成寺院重建。
西元2012年時,堪布洛隆策旺(Khenpo Lho Tsewang)與魯木饒寺其他的資深喇嘛前往位於德拉敦的 敏卓林拜謁尊貴的第九世敏林堪千仁波切。堪布洛隆策旺曾於不同的佛學院學習,其中包括了位於西藏東部,大堪布晉美彭措仁波切(Kenpo Jigme Phuntsok)的喇榮五明佛學院。
於其參訪期間,敏林堪千仁波切授予其堪布證書,並正式任命其為魯木饒寺的堪布。當時敏林堪千仁波切也對魯木饒寺將置於主殿的所有壁畫與塑像提出了具體的建議。魯木饒寺的佛學院工程已於今年(2014)圓成,落成典禮謹訂於佛陀初轉法輪日之吉祥日舉行(2014年7月31日| 藏曆第六個月的第四天),許多敏卓林傳承的中國和西藏弟子皆於此殊勝日到訪和參與此盛典。 魯木饒寺也特別邀請了傳承怙主 尊貴的第12任敏林澈清法王董瑟達拉哈嘉笙仁波切(12th Mindroling Trichen Dhalha Gyaltsen Rinpoche)當日蒞臨,惜因行程安排因素而無法參與盛事。
於此殊勝日,我,敏林堪千祝賀喇嘛貝瑪多傑(Lama Pema Dorje)、堪布洛隆策旺(Khenpo Lho Tsewang),以及魯木饒寺所有的資深喇嘛;並萬分感謝他們一直持續不斷地辛勤維護傳承。我祝禱他們身體健康與長壽,並成就佛法志業。
Lumorah Thupten Shedrupling Monastery in Ngyarong, Eastern Tibet.
The monastery was built in the year 1896 by Terton Rang Rig, who was the emanation of Terton Terdag Lingpa, founder of Mindroling Lineage.
Lumorah Thupten Shedrupling encompasses the monastery, shedra(college), three years retreat center and a nunnery; all institutions follow the traditions and teachings of the Mindroling Lineage. Annual teachings and empowerment ceremonies were held largely in the summer months for the monks by the Mindroling Trichens and Khenraps. In particular, the 8th Minling Khenchen and Chung Rinpoche visited several times and stayed there for long periods of their life. The monastery then housed around700 monks.
However, during the Cultural Revolution in Tibet the whole campus (structure) was destroyed.
The 8th Minling Khenchen, Ngawang Khentse Norbu’s disciple Lama Chimmey continued to maintain the lineage and started rebuilding the monastery. After his demise, the senior Lamas and especially Lama Pema Dorje and Khenpo Lho Tsewang took charge of the responsibilities of continuing the lineage and completed rebuilding the monastery.
In the year 2012, Khenpo Lho Tsewang along with other senior Lamas of Lumorah came to visit H.E. Minling Khenchen Rinpoche in Mindroling, Dehra Dun. Khenpo Lho Tsewang had studied in different shedras including Serta lharong, Khenpo Jigme Phuntsok’s shedra in Eastern Tibet. During his visit here, Rinpoche conferred him with the Khenpo certificate and appointed him as Khenpo of Lumorah. Rinpoche also gave them specific advice pertaining to all the murals and statues that were to be placed in the main shrines.
This year they have finished construction of the shedra(college). The inauguration is on the 31st July 2014 (the 4th day of the 6th month in the lunar calendar being a very auspicious day was selected for this event). Many disciples of Mindroling will be visiting to participate this special occasion from China and other parts of Tibet. His Holiness the 12th Mindroling Trichen, Dhalha Gyaltsen Rinpoche was specially invited but due to his schedule, he is unable to attend the event. After the 7 days of the planned ceremonies, the monks will begin their first term in the new shedra. There are 3 Khenpos who will be teaching the monks. There are almost 380 monks now.
For this special day, I, Minling Khenchen congratulate Lama Pema Dorje, Khenpo Lho Tsewang and all the senior Lamas for their continuous hard work for the continuity of the lineage and I am very grateful to all of them. I send my wishes and prayers for their good health, long life and for their success in all the Dharma activities.
Presently, thanks to these efforts, the Lumorah monastery consists of main monastery, primary school for monks and shedra(college). Their next project is rebuilding the nunnery.
⊙Photo Story | Mindrolling branch temple -Lumorah Thupten Shedrupling Monastery/New shedra .( college )