Rejoice ~
Ven. Ngawang Labsum ,a Vietnamese lama, is a simple person. His money is limited and rents a shabby and tiny house to live in. He leads a simple life and spends a lot of time on retreat. Because he is kind-hearted and practices diligently, many people are willing to follow him to study Buddhism.
EMAHO ._((( ♥ )))_
有情眾生恆時住安樂;善願皆成辦 !
於殊勝藏曆六月十五日( 8月10日),超過三千人於越南河內領受了由尊貴的敏林堪千仁波切所傳授的長壽佛灌頂,以及隨後仁波切授予喇嘛雅旺拉桑為金剛阿闍黎(多傑洛本)之昇座典禮。
此外,喇嘛雅旺拉桑顯密雙修,曾於前譯寧瑪巴教主初璽仁波切尊者(HH Trushig Rinpoche)座前接受了諸多甚深大乘密法的教授多年,也長期精進的聞思修及進行多次閉關。並為越南的法友和信眾,以其母語-越南語介紹甚深佛法,由於系出敏卓林傳承,故而敏林堪千仁波切蒞臨越南時,也由其擔任翻譯。
尊貴的敏林堪千仁波切,除了歡喜喇嘛 雅旺拉桑的精進實修,也為饒益越南廣大信眾得無礙於語言的隔閡,且於仁波切未能造訪當地時,可獲正確的導引與學習,是以正式任命喇嘛雅旺拉桑為一位具格之金剛上師,並為敏卓林傳承於越南的代表。
有情眾生恆時住安樂;善願皆成辦 !
於殊勝藏曆六月十五日( 8月10日),超過三千人於越南河內領受了由尊貴的敏林堪千仁波切所傳授的長壽佛灌頂,以及隨後仁波切授予喇嘛雅旺拉桑為金剛阿闍黎(多傑洛本)之昇座典禮。
此外,喇嘛雅旺拉桑顯密雙修,曾於前譯寧瑪巴教主初璽仁波切尊者(HH Trushig Rinpoche)座前接受了諸多甚深大乘密法的教授多年,也長期精進的聞思修及進行多次閉關。並為越南的法友和信眾,以其母語-越南語介紹甚深佛法,由於系出敏卓林傳承,故而敏林堪千仁波切蒞臨越南時,也由其擔任翻譯。
尊貴的敏林堪千仁波切,除了歡喜喇嘛 雅旺拉桑的精進實修,也為饒益越南廣大信眾得無礙於語言的隔閡,且於仁波切未能造訪當地時,可獲正確的導引與學習,是以正式任命喇嘛雅旺拉桑為一位具格之金剛上師,並為敏卓林傳承於越南的代表。
..........【 紀實花絮 】
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Returning all the merits to all the Sentient Beings.
Pray for Peace in the World.
Over coming calamities,eliminating obstacles and bringing Happiness to the Sentient beings will be the falfillment of all compasison Wishes.
Here in Hanoi, there are already more than 3000 people here for H.H. Minling Khenchen Rinpoche giving the empowerment of long life and also appointed Ven. Ngawang Labsum as Dorje Lopon( vagra master) in Vietnam.
We are happy for Ven. Ngawang Labsum (or Master Thich Tri Khong) to represent Mindrolling in Vietnam. He has received many teachings, empowerment and oral transmission from HH Trulshig Rinpoche. H.H. Minling Khenchen Rinpoche was very pleased with his practices. Ven. Ngawang Labsum has also stayed in retreat many times. He has been translating Minling Khenchen Rinpoche’s teachings when Rinpoche visited there and follows Mindrolling Tradition.
For the benefit of Vietnamese people, therefore, H.H. Minling Khenchen Rinpoche appointed him as a Vajra master and to guide all people according to their capabilities. H.H. Minling Khenchen Rinpoche thinks this is the best for the dharma friends in Vietnam. They can feel free to ask Ven. Ngawang Labsum for guidance without language obstacles when H.H. Minling Khenchen Rinpoche is not available in Vietnam.So this is great news for Vientnam's dharma friends and Mindrolling Lineage!
Mindroling khenchen rinpoche a pointed Vajara master from Vietnam mindroling and also holded the enthronement ceremony at mindroling centre in Hanoi vietnam . we congratulations and pray for Ngawang labsum's good health, long life and fulfills his all wishes.
Wishing he be glorious in flourishing Mahayana Buddhism in General and specially the GLORIOUS MINLLING TRADITION , in the nice land of Vietnam .
⊙Photo Story | Mindroling Vietnam | 2014/8/9-8/10
you can visit us at : ││
Returning all the merits to all the Sentient Beings.
Pray for Peace in the World.
Over coming calamities,eliminating obstacles and bringing Happiness to the Sentient beings will be the falfillment of all compasison Wishes.
Here in Hanoi, there are already more than 3000 people here for H.H. Minling Khenchen Rinpoche giving the empowerment of long life and also appointed Ven. Ngawang Labsum as Dorje Lopon( vagra master) in Vietnam.
We are happy for Ven. Ngawang Labsum (or Master Thich Tri Khong) to represent Mindrolling in Vietnam. He has received many teachings, empowerment and oral transmission from HH Trulshig Rinpoche. H.H. Minling Khenchen Rinpoche was very pleased with his practices. Ven. Ngawang Labsum has also stayed in retreat many times. He has been translating Minling Khenchen Rinpoche’s teachings when Rinpoche visited there and follows Mindrolling Tradition.
For the benefit of Vietnamese people, therefore, H.H. Minling Khenchen Rinpoche appointed him as a Vajra master and to guide all people according to their capabilities. H.H. Minling Khenchen Rinpoche thinks this is the best for the dharma friends in Vietnam. They can feel free to ask Ven. Ngawang Labsum for guidance without language obstacles when H.H. Minling Khenchen Rinpoche is not available in Vietnam.So this is great news for Vientnam's dharma friends and Mindrolling Lineage!
Mindroling khenchen rinpoche a pointed Vajara master from Vietnam mindroling and also holded the enthronement ceremony at mindroling centre in Hanoi vietnam . we congratulations and pray for Ngawang labsum's good health, long life and fulfills his all wishes.
Wishing he be glorious in flourishing Mahayana Buddhism in General and specially the GLORIOUS MINLLING TRADITION , in the nice land of Vietnam .
⊙Photo Story | Mindroling Vietnam | 2014/8/9-8/10
you can visit us at : ││
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