無常無所不在;尼泊爾大地震,人天同慟 !
願三寶加持~ 往生者安息,失去親友眷屬與一切所依之有情能堅強度過此哀傷。
尊貴的 敏林堪千仁波切對近日受到地震及餘震影響之喜馬拉雅地區尼泊爾、印度和西藏等國家,表達他的悲痛和慰問;仁波切一直持續為失去摯親、住所與糧食之受難者祈禱。
人天同慟 !
H.E.Minling Khenchen Rinpoche expresses his sadness and condolences to the Himalayan region of Nepal, India, and Tibet, which are impacted by the recent earthquake and aftershocks. Rinpoche's prayers continue for those suffering with the loss of loved ones, shelters, and sustaining provisions. During this devastating tragedy, it is important that we do not lose hope and remain strong and resourceful through prayers and by helping others.
Minling Khenchen Rinpoche, April 26, 2015
Mindrolling Monastery and Ngagyur Nyingma College
What happened in NEPAL could have happened with us and our family.
But we are SAFE. Our lives are going FINE.
However, there are PARENTS who have lost their CHILD.
KIDS who have lost their FAMILY & THOUSANDS who have lost EVERYTHING.
I can't even imagine. What would have happened if it was ME or us ....?
四個月大之嬰兒自殘瓦塌樓中被救出 !
人命危脆, 世間浮幻, 宜修勝善願。
2015年2月4日敏林堪千仁波切對於復興航空發生意外事故之開示 (https://www.facebook.com/mindroling/photos/a.782794181802819.1073741952.105685006180410/782794338469470/?type=1&theater ):
-- 敏林堪千仁波切
I was deeply saddened by hearing about the tragic loss of so many lives on TransAsia Airlines flight.
My prayers go out to all the people on the flight, and my thoughts and deepest sympathy are with their families that lost loved ones at this difficult time. I send my heartfelt condolence to the people and families of the deceased.
For the people who lost their lives, I would like to request you all to recite vajrasattuva mantra for them and make aspirations that they are born in Amitabha abode .
-- Minling Khenchen Rinpoche
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