衷心隨喜 ! ~
【 敏林堪千仁波切談供養 】
供養的行為本身並不是重點。以良善的發心進行供養,則供養的行為是微小或是廣大並不重要。供養所依物有兩種,其一是屬於自己所有之物,其二是非己所有之物。如果想進行供養但卻身無長 物,則可以美麗的青空、花朵、花香、陽光、旋律動人的歌聲等以進行供養。對我們而言,最寶貴的是身、語、意三門,故可以藉由追隨佛陀的道路,以各種不同的 方式幫助眾生來供養自己的身體;語的方面,藉由唸誦祈請文或只是用簡單的方式以告訴他人有益的話語來進行供養。心的方面,對所有有情眾生生起慈悲心也是一 種供養。以佛教的用語,五大聚合是可以拿來進行供養的。
一旦進行供養之後,就別再放在心上,繼續去過日常的生活,不要去回想或想知道會有 什麼結果,抑或懷疑供養的對境。例如向一位師長供養之後,就對這位師長縈繞著一堆問題,像是:我所供養的人是否是一位好的師長等?如此不僅會損耗你的供養 也會讓你的人格有所缺失。
─ 敏林堪千仁波切 │閱讀全文 :http://khenchen.pixnet.net/blog/post/26885491/
⊙【歡喜發心共植此福田 | 護持佛學院小貨車車款 】
【附註】如蒙發心,請儘早劃撥護持,以利迴向名單之製作 ( 可先行傳真或 email 迴向名單,並麻煩您於劃撥單上註明已傳真或 email 迴向 名單,謝謝 )
No one can see one’s mind other then oneself. If you really check your mind carefully and see that your motivation is pure and correct, or without self interest then this is a good motivation. So, this state of mind is only known to oneself. And this state of mind satisfies you or you feel happy about it is a good motivation
In any ritual or any personal practices you do, this kind of motivation is very important.
The bases of any offering, merit or not according to Mahayana or Vajrayana depends upon one’s motivation
If the motivation is not correct then whatever actions we do, whether big or small does not make anydifference . It would be a waste. Action of offering is not important.
If with good motivation- offerings whether small or vast does not matter
There are two ways of objects- one that belongs to oneself and one that does not belong to oneself. So if one wish to offer but does not have anything- he or she can offer the blue beautiful sky, the flowers, the good smell of flowers, the sunshine, the beautiful melodious song etc, also the most precious to us is our Body, Speech and Mind. One can offer one’s body by following the path of Buddha, helping all beings in different ways , the speech- by saying prayers or just simple action of speech is saying something good to others and mind – having compassion to all sentient beings is also an offering. In Buddhist term the 5 aggregates one can offer.
After one has made the offerings one should never regret. If one does then this burns all the merit one has accumulated due to the offerings, this does not benefit anyone not even to oneself
Once you have offered, just forget about it and move on with your normal life. One should not ponder or wonder how the effect would be, or doubt about the place where you offered, if the offering was made to a Master- wondering and inquiring about the Master, did I offer to good master or not? etc. It not only demerit ones offering but also losses ones character too
Once the famous Indian Saint Kalidas said- Do good action and not think about the result. Just throw it away. Throw it away means that one should not keep on thinking about it.
No matter whatever good action one does, whether small or big one should always dedicate it to all sentient beings
There are many dedication prayers that one can say as this will help you let go of your attachment to the offering.
May all sentient beings enjoy happiness and the causes of happiness
May they be free from suffering and the causes ofsuffering
May they dwell in the great equanimity that is free from attachment and aversion.
A simple dedication prayer would be
By the power of this merit may all sentient beings wishes be fulfilled.
─Minling Khenchen Rinpoche
May all be Auspicious!
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