( (( 眾緣所成就,時刻懷抱謝意---
布施佛學院重建工程之工程款 )) )
雅久寧瑪佛學院(五明大學 )是高級佛學研究中心。 為了饒益有情,保存珍貴的傳承,以及宏揚甚深廣博的佛法,從而進行高級佛學的學習咸被認為必需。
雅久寧瑪佛學院的基石於一九八八年四月二十六日由尊貴的達賴喇嘛所奠定。這項計畫完成於一九九一年,並且於一九九一年三月二十八日正式落成啟用成為印度敏卓林寺的一部分。是在印度境內最大的佛學院之一。 目前則由敏林堪千仁波切主事,進行佛學院等之各項重建的工程。
雅久寧瑪佛學院提供九年的學習課程,包括毗奈耶(佛教戒律)、哲學、邏輯、辯論、 西藏文學、佛教史及密續。包括四個主要階層:
3經典 4聖密咒乘
在通過入學考試後,僧侶即可加入歇札。 所有的學生必須受戒成為沙彌。
Photo story | Mindrolling College |
由佛學院堪布,洛本與學僧共同參與編纂之 EasternSun 慧日雜誌,已於7月24日展開
Ngagyur Nyingma College (Five Sciences University) is an institute of higher Buddhist studies. Advanced Buddhist studies is deemed necessary for the preservation of the precious living lineage and spread of the vast and profound Buddha Dharma for the benefit of all sentient beings. All relative and ultimate happiness of sentient beings results through the understanding of the interdependency of cause and effect, and from the cultivation of virtuous and abandonment of non-virtuous actions.
The profound teachings of the Buddha say that ultimate happiness is achieved through the unsurpassable Enlightenment. Realizing the necessity of advanced Buddhist studies, plans were made for building a Shedra in Mindrolling. The foundation stone for the Ngagyur Nyingma College was laid on the 26th of April, 1988 by His Holiness the Dalai Lama. It was started functioning in 1991 when H.H. the Dalai Lama formally inaugurated it on 28th March of the same year as a part of Mindrolling. This institute is one of the largest Buddhist Institutes in India.
Monks of Ngagyur Nyingma College study and practice the teachings of Buddha in accordance with the living lineage of Omniscient Rongzom Pandita, Omniscient Longchenpa, the Vidyadhara Rigzin Terdak Lingpa, Lochen Dharmashri and Jamgom Mipham Rinpoche. With the increase in the number of students in the Institute, plans for the further expansion are to be realized.
The Ngagyur Nyingma College is presided over by His Eminence Khenchen Rinpoche with a team of fully trained and experienced Khenpos (abbots)
Vinaya (discipline)
Abhidharma (metaphysics)
Sutra (discourses)
The nine year curriculum covers all the three vehicles of Tibetan Buddhism: Hinayana, Mahayana and Vajrayana. Besides these, the monks at the Institute participate in all the major Drubchens held in the main monastery, Ngedon Gatsal Ling. Upon the successful passing of the entrance examination, monks can join the 'Shedra'. All students are required to be ordained with the vows of novice monk.
The term begins on the first day of the fourth lunar-month and ends on the last week of the eleventh lunar-month. Intensive study schedule is followed during the term. Annual examinations are held at the end of each term. Monks are provided with certificates on the successful completion of each annual examination. In order to standardize the courses, the preparation of questions for the annual examinations and the checking of the answer-papers are done by the celebrated abbots from other renowned Buddhist Institutes in India and Nepal.
After completing the nine years and all levels, monks can take up three years of voluntary teachings, management or research work at the Institute. Following that only outstanding monks are awarded with the title of Khenpo.
願臻吉祥 ! 謹致我們的衷心感謝 !
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