尊貴的欽哲揚希仁波切 (Khyentse Yangse Rinpoche), , 尊貴的康祖仁波切( Khamtrul Yangse Rinpoche), 尊貴的敦珠揚希仁波切 (Dudjom Yangse Rinpoche),尊貴的 敏林堪千仁波切 ( Miling Khenchen Rinpoche ), 尊貴的祖古貝南仁波切( Tulku Penam Rinpoche ),尊貴的 卻袞仁波切 ( Chongon Rinpoche ) 祝賀大家新年吉祥‧快樂 !!!
( 準備著 Yamantaka 大威德金剛 長壽迴遮灌頂法會 的六位佛門龍象之吉光片羽 ! )
~~~具足三學披奉壞色衣 眾會僧伽此處遍充滿
講修事業恒遍布國際 教法諸方增盛願吉祥 !
~~米滂仁波切 ( Mipham Rinpoche )
( 尊貴的敏林堪千仁波切於百忙之中,特地捎來祝福;
以下之英文信函包涵套色、排版,皆是仁波切 對十方的一分心意!)
To All the Dharma friends
A Special Greeting from Khenchen Rinpoche
For 2009, the Year of the Earth Ox
( To all Dharma Practitioners )
For the Vajrasattva Mantras I have asked you to accomplish,
I wish good Karma for you and all sentient beings.
At this time of the New Year,
I would like for you to personally dedicate all of your mantras
To all people who died in the natural disasters around the world this past year
And to all people who are suffering at this moment.
I wish for a better life for you, that includes prosperity, good health, and peace in the world.
May your practices flourish and may you soon become realized for the benefit of all beings.
And more importantly , To All Beings in this world
I wish that you will gain in patience and wisdom
Utilizing the practical and serious energies of Earth and Ox,
Combining to bring you a feeling of stability, growth and progress in the year ahead.
I wish you a year of slow and steady focus to strengthen and improve your foundations!
May you find happiness and peace.
May your wishes be fulfilled.
I send my best wishes to you all for a very
Happy New Year!
Minling Khenchen Rinpoche
來自堪千仁波切2009年(土牛年)之特別祝福 致所有的行者 伴隨各位所完成的金剛薩埵心咒 , 祝福各位與有情眾生得善業。 於此新年時刻, 對於過去一年 於自然災難中往生與置身深處痛苦者, 誠願諸位 為他們獻上所有的祈禱。 祝福各位擁有更美好的生活,並享有富饒、健康、世界和平。 願各位修行精進,並悟得利益眾生之真諦。 更重要地,要祝福所有有情 祝福各位擁有毅力與智慧 ,以誠摯勤奮(牛年精神)處世, 將可於未來生活安穩、成長、進步。 祝願各位能實踐以虔敬態度不斷地強化與改善生命的本質。 願各位喜樂與平安 祝各位願望得實現 獻給各位我最誠摯的祝福 新年快樂! 敏林堪千仁波切賀