尊貴的貝諾法王,二六時中, 猶如蓮華不著水,亦如日月不住空
~~如幻三摩地 ;三昧(samadhi)、或稱三摩地;等持。
如幻三摩地 華嚴經頌曰:「世間種種法,一切皆如幻,若能如是知 ,其心無所動」
This is to formally announce that the 11th Throneholder of the Palyul Lineage of the Ny
ingma School of Tibetan Buddhism, His Holiness Pema Norbu Rinpoche entered the stage of Thugdam, the final stage of meditation, as of 8:20 PM on Friday, March 27, 2009, at the Namdroling Monastery in Bylakuppe, South India .
Earlier, at noon, His Holiness received offerings from many of the highest Nyingma Tulkus, Khenpos, and Lamas who had assembled to pay homage to him. Rinpoche left Columbia Asia Hospital at 3:30 PM with the help of the Bhutanese Government who provided an Indian police escort. He reached Palyul Namdroling at 6:40 PM and remained on his bed at the residence. Tulkus, Khenpos and Lamas did aspiration prayers together with His Holiness until 8:20 PM. At that time Rinpoche looked around and then closed his eyes and went into meditation.
Prayers continued for 5 minutes and then everyone remained in silence for the next two hours. His Holiness' meditation continues today, and is expected to continue for the next several days. When His Holiness releases his body from meditation, there will be an official acknowledgement of the final passing, allowing everyone to pay their respects according to tradition.
Kyabj?Drubwang Pema Norbu Rinpoche was born in 1932 in the Powo region of Kham, Eastern Tibet . His Holiness settled in South India where he built, with his own hands and with the help of a few monks, Namdroling Monastery . The monastery has grown into one of the largest Tibetan Buddhist Dharma centers in the world, housing over 6000 monks and nuns in the complex.
His Holiness also built temples and established dharma Centers around the world - in Taiwan , Hong Kong , Singapore , Malaysia , Philippines , Australia , United Kingdom , Greece , Canada and the United States - among others. His Holiness frequently traveled to teach and give empowerments at all of them. Worldwide, His Holiness is universally revered for his loving kindness and compassion, pure upholding of the Vinaya and ceaseless dedication to the welfare of all beings. Wherever he went, has brought and nourished the Buddha-Dharma everywhere he has been.
He will live forever in our hearts.
Lama Lobsang Chophel, Secretary
28 March, 2009
Palyul Ling International
This is to formally announce that the 11th Throneholder of the Palyul Lineage of the Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism, His Holiness Pema Norbu Rinpoche entered the stage of Thugdam, the final stage of meditation, as of 8:20 PM on Friday, March 27, 2009, at the Namdroling Monastery in Bylakuppe, South India .
Earlier, at noon, His Holiness received offerings from many of the highest Nyingma Tulkus, Khenpos, and Lamas who had assembled to pay homage to him. Rinpoche left Columbia Asia Hospital at 3:30 PM with the help of the Bhutanese Government who provided an Indian police escort. He reached Palyul Namdroling at 6:40 PM and remained on his bed at the residence. Tulkus, Khenpos and Lamas did aspiration prayers together with His Holiness until 8:20 PM. At that time Rinpoche looked around and then closed his eyes and went into meditation.
Prayers continued for 5 minutes and then everyone remained in silence for the next two hours. His Holiness' meditation continues today, and is expected to continue for the next several days. When His Holiness releases his body from meditation, there will be an official acknowledgement of the final passing, allowing everyone to pay their respects according to tradition.
Kyabj?Drubwang Pema Norbu Rinpoche was born in 1932 in the Powo region of Kham, Eastern Tibet . His Holiness settled in South India where he built, with his own hands and with the help of a few monks, Namdroling Monastery . The monastery has grown into one of the largest Tibetan Buddhist Dharma centers in the world, housing over 6000 monks and nuns in the complex.
His Holiness also built temples and established dharma Centers around the world - in Taiwan , Hong Kong , Singapore , Malaysia , Philippines , Australia , United Kingdom , Greece , Canada and the United States - among others. His Holiness frequently traveled to teach and give empowerments at all of them. Worldwide, His Holiness is universally revered for his loving kindness and compassion, pure upholding of the Vinaya and ceaseless dedication to the welfare of all beings. Wherever he went, has brought and nourished the Buddha-Dharma everywhere he has been.
He will live forever in our hearts.
Lama Lobsang Chophel, Secretary
28 March, 2009
Palyul Ling International
Kyabje Pema Norbu Rinpoche 1932 - 2009
藏傳佛教寧瑪派白玉傳承之第十一任座主 貝瑪諾布仁波切,
於南印度拜拉庫的寧瑪寺院南卓林寺,進入了禪修次第的最後一個階段三摩地( Thugdam)。
( 註:藏傳佛教稱之為Thug Dam,意即「安住甚深禪定而示現圓寂」之意;依照中有教法來說, 法王~~於此階段中,安住於「法性光明」的境界!)
( 註:當中包涵尊貴的宗薩欽哲仁波切、尊貴的雪謙冉將仁波切、尊貴的敏林堪千仁波切、尊貴的佐千仁波切 和眾多祖古、仁波切們。)
秘書 喇嘛羅桑群培 2009年3月28日
關於 Thug Dam 之相關閱讀 :
【蜿蜒的慢板4~~睡覺法王的 Thug Dam】
【由敏林澈清法王之Thug Dam ,光明淨相中之三摩地談起~~ 】http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/theeasternsun-khenchen/article?mid=818&prev=1024&next=778&l=f&fi
【敏卓林傑尊瑪 ~~ 恆依忍辱 ‧端莊‧安詳‧嫻雅‧澀默 : 澈旺拉姆】http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/theeasternsun-khenchen/article?mid=1056&prev=1234&next=634&l=f&fid=18
【 敏卓林怙主~~讓浮動的眼神將你遺落 ~~ 睡覺法王圓寂週年紀念法會 】
◎ 圖文版權所有‧敬請尊重智慧財產權 ~~如欲轉貼引用, 敬請連結敏林堪千仁波切中文官網【敏林堪千仁波切的達瑪師利語自在秘密宮殿】‧謝謝