敏林堪千仁波切對十方護持茉蘭大會齋糧,無任感荷;2010的寧瑪茉蘭千茉‧世界和平法會,亦特別致謝與迴向寧瑪巴兩位卓越的上師 :尊貴的  敏林澈清法王(Kyabje Minling Trichen Rinpoche) 尊貴的  貝諾法王(Kyabje Penor Rinpoche)!


 昔日寧瑪茉蘭千茉期間的 貝諾法王與白玉 南卓仁波切


昔日寧瑪茉蘭千茉之大會團體於夜晚召開集會瞥影~~正中為茉蘭主席貝諾法王、右起為大會兩位副主席 : 雪謙冉將仁波切 與敏林堪千仁波切 ~~ 2010年之大會會議,已決定由  尊貴的雪謙冉將仁波切銜任寧瑪茉蘭千茉主席三年!


敏林堪千仁波切、雪謙冉將仁波切率領僧眾 ~~眾等各各一心,願饒益有情、不負如來!



  敏林堪千仁波切 與The Eastern Sun 官方部落格團隊能夠再次順利圓成第21屆之齋糧籌募,

  除了感恩三寶與龍天護法之佛力加被,更感謝來自十方識與不識的您之無私奉獻 !



敏林堪千仁波切親書 ~致護持第21屆寧瑪茉蘭千茉‧識與不識的您】 



  January­­­ 25 ,2010


Dear donors of Nyingma Monlam of 2010,


I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to you for your continuous support of the Nyingma Monlam Chenmo World Peace Prayers in Bodhgaya , India , which I have committed to sponsor it for three years.  Although we are all struggling with a serious global concern for the economic situation and all the natural disasters, your generous contributions and donations graciously continue.


The Nyingma Monlam Chenmo is an annual gathering of thousands of monks, nuns, and people from all over the world with the majority being from the Nyingma monasteries of India , Nepal , Sikkim , and Bhutan . I offer my sincere appreciation for your dharmic efforts in supporting The Nyingma Monlam Chenmo Organization, which is responsible for the logistics, food, and accommodations of the pilgrimage. Your support ensures the monks who attend can participate in this ever-growing ceremony by providing for their basic needs.



As you know, I dedicated this year’s special Monlam Chenmo to all sentient beings in all different realms for the fulfillment of their wishes, to people’s decease due to illness and natural environmental disasters could be reincarnated to the pure land of Amitaba , or reborn to the three upper realms, and to all living people (including those yet to be born) for long, healthy, and peaceful lives. The World Peace Prayers are especially dedicated to our two prominent Teachers to whom I am extremely grateful, Kyabje Minling Trichen Rinpoche and Kyabje Penor Rinpoche.



The benefits, which this sacred gathering generates throughout the ten days of traditional prayers, are particularly auspicious for World Peace and the liberation of all sentient beings. On both a spiritual and a personal level, I truly appreciate your honorable dedication to the benefit of all sentient beings. Your selfless devotion has substantially helped us to successfully meet  our goals.


Yours most sincerely,

Minling Khenchen Rinpoche









如您所知,敝人將今年殊勝的茉蘭千茉功德迴向所有不同時空的有情眾生,願一切有情皆能實現所願、因疾病與天災往生者得蒙阿彌陀佛接引,往生三善趣或西方極樂淨土、以及所有人們 (包涵即將出生至此世界者) 皆能得獲長壽、健康與和平的生活。而世界和平法會也特別迴向敝人至心感激的兩位卓越上師 :尊貴的  敏林澈清法王(Kyabje Minling Trichen Rinpoche) 尊貴的  貝諾法王(Kyabje Penor Rinpoche)





 敏林堪千仁波切 (Minling Khenchen Rinpoche)




◎溫故知新‧ 您可以瞭解更多‧


達賴尊者與貝諾法王對寧瑪茉蘭千茉的期許與祝福 & 2010年第二十一屆寧瑪茉蘭千茉祈願大法會通啟



【World peace broche and photos 相關照片】:


美好法音( 7) 2009 敏林幻化舞之旅 ~~尊貴的第九世敏卓林堪千仁波切與十方結緣的DVD】





2010第21屆寧瑪茉蘭千茉世界和平大法會~~敏卓林堪千仁波切說故事 ~~Short Story Told By Minling Khenchen Rinpoche




【第十九屆寧瑪茉蘭千茉大法會 ~~法會悉圓成‧邁向第20屆】



猶如珍貴教法之殊勝太陽~~敏卓林第二法脈執持者‧尊貴的 第九任敏林堪千仁波切http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/theeasternsun-khenchen/article?mid=55&prev=133&l=f&fid=18


◎圖文版權所有‧ 懇請尊重智慧財產權。如欲轉貼引用, 敬請連結敏林堪千仁波切台灣辦事處‧敏林堪千仁波切唯一中文官網:【敏林堪千仁波切官方部落格─敏林堪千仁波切的達瑪師利語自在秘密宮殿】( The Eastern Sun  Group‧敏卓林佛學院編輯團隊),謝謝




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