
昔日,第十一任敏卓林澈清( 睡覺 )法王與子嗣當今第十二任敏卓林澈清法座持有者Dungsay Dalha Gyaltsen Rinpoche ( H.H. 12th Minling Trichen Rinpoche )之珍貴合影


當今第十二任敏卓林澈清法座持有者( 敏林董瑟仁波切/Dungsay Dalha Gyaltsen Rinpoche) 與第九任敏林堪千仁波切共同主法之吉光片羽




當今第十二任敏卓林澈清法座持有者( 敏林董瑟仁波切/Dungsay Dalha Gyaltsen Rinpoche) 修法時之風采.  ~ 祈祝第十二任敏林澈清法王(敏林董瑟仁波切 )法體安康,長久住世;饒益有情!


第十二任敏林澈清座主之親函~ 我們的使命 ( Our Mission )

Eastern sun group or Mindrolling are one family, Khenchen Rinpoche and i are of one family.

It is our responsibilty or mission that we maintain or protect the lineage of Mindrolling.

Mindrolling lineage has always been famously known as one who maintains good relationship with all the different traditions or people.

In history, you will never ever find any mindrolling teacher haveing problems with any other teacher of different school of Tibetan Buddhism, that is why my father ( H.H.11th Thrichen Rinpoche) was respected by all the four different school of Tibetan Buddhism.

So now it is my mission or dream to continue the same lineage. It is for my brother Khenchen Rinpoche too,to follow this lineage left by my fore fathers. Our mission or my father's mission or dream was to help others, always to think of other's happiness before self, to make others important is the dream of Buddhas and Bodhisattva.

Therefore, it also is our dreams. If we are not able to make the dream come true,then it is no use to wearing of robe and doing dharma practises. It is like losing the main essence of mission, therefore brother Khenchen Rinpoche and I,the sangha shouldn’t lose this dream and i hope that we will die by fulling this dream. So we should try to never have any enemies or have no people against us.If this happen, then it is an unsuccessful life and is also dangerous.It is not a result of good karma.

Nowadays, I am happy to know the Mindrolling college construction is going to begin soon. There must with too much dharma work, stress in the bad economics situation, but I am confident that brother Khenchen Rinpoche will be able to handle well for the benefit of dharma. I send my best wishes and prayers to him.

Dungsay Dalha Gyaltsen Rinpoche ( H.H. 12th Minling Trichen Rinpoche )















在此,謹致我最衷心的祝福與祈願 !

─第十二任敏卓林澈清法座持有者 ( 第十二任敏林澈清法王 )


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    延伸閱讀  :溫故知新‧您可以瞭解更多~~

【風雨如晦希望樹─敏卓林佛學院重建計畫展開了 !】 

敏卓林經續善說洲~~~尋找108位菩薩 ( 前言 )

【敏卓林堪千仁波切~~似水年華‧如磐心志 ~~尋找108位菩薩】


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