Hi! Friends,
Freedom from Social Status.
Freedom from Ego.
Freedom from Being Bored.
Freedom from Expectations.
Freedom from Power.
Freedom from Insecurity.
Freedom from Response.
Freedom from Hope.
Freedom from Greediness.
Freedom from Being Racist.
Freedom from Miracle.
Freedom from Superstations.
Freedom from Fear.
Freedom from Old or New.
Freedom from Right or Wrong.
Freedom from Selfishness.
Freedom from Practices.
Freedom from Ignorance.
Freedom from Help.
Freedom from Self.
((( ✨Losar Tashi Delek from 9th Minling Khenchen Rinpoche ✨ ))
新年(藏曆新年)吉祥如意 !
藏曆新年快樂 吉祥如意
-- 敏林堪千仁波切
⊙Photo Story | 敏林堪千仁波切2017 新年祝福函 | Losar Tashi Delek from H.H. Minling Khenchen Rinpoche
Losar Tashi Delek .
Dear dharma friends,
Our world has entered into victorious Tibetan year 2144 and now a Losar ( New year )of Fire Female Bird year . As a human beings , we are blessed with precious qualities that many living creatures on earth are deprived of . Therefore it's important to remind our self of basic purpose of our precious human life . To cultivate Bodhi Chita and to keep our daily life guided by norms of Karma should be our diary life 's motto.
One should start the new year with motivated mind of rethinking and reforming ones own life to dedicate more on spiritual way not only yourself but also to influence others too . You can start the New Year at least by becoming vegetarian , refraining from harming any living creature including your own self and living your life guided by principles of Buddhas teachings .
May this Female Bird year bring the unlimited blessing of Buddha and Buddha and Bodhisattva for the prosperity of whole world . I keep the tradition of Wishing Good Luck and dedicate my sincerely prayers to whoever connected to me in either way .
Happy Losar ( Tibetan New Year )
Always in Dharma
9th Minling Khenchen .
....... 新年晨禱 ││為眾生與世界之吉祥積聚法會 2017 .2. 27
分享 : 尊貴的 敏林堪千仁波切於一月五日對弟子之談話 :
以及滋養菩提自性 ,這是我們生命的主要目標。
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