( ( ( Dear Guru Minling Khenchen Rinpoche ,
Welocme to Taiwan & Happy Happy Birthday !!! ) ) )
在寒冷的冬日裡,最令人欣喜的,無非是烘出了暖暖的佳音 !
Dear All,
將於今天 1月5日 ~~ 仁波切的生日當天搭機蒞臺弘法;
~~ 願敬愛的仁波切生日快樂,法體安康,蓮足永固,饒益有情 !
也願台灣的法友獻予上師滿滿的祝福 )))) Happy Happy Birthday ! ^ ^
PS ) 尊貴的 敏林堪千仁波切將於晚間八點四十分抵達第一航站(華航) ,
歡迎法友接機。後續弘法行程請密切注意官方部落格 /相關法務請洽官方部落格與臉書專頁( 許居士 ) ; 謝謝您!
(( Map is not the land ))
Buddhism is not the pure land. Although Buddhism as a map shows the path to the buddha-land, yet it cannot reveal unexpected or unpredictable circuitous roads, potholes, or thunderstorms that we will encounter. Just like roads which are closed abruptly due to construction, the reality of life is very often not the same as our expectations.
We have fixed ideas so we are not able to understand that the internal causes are as important as the external conditions, and the consistency of worldly Dharma in our lives; we even mistake that worldly Dharma conflicts with ultimate reality.
Although we have our own precious bodies, we can not anticipate the circuitous roads and potholes in our lives. In the Bodhi path, the key is to face them with understanding based on belief, love and perseverance.
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◎如欲轉貼引用,懇請連結引用敏林堪千仁波切官方部落格‧【敏林堪千仁波切的達瑪師利語自在秘密宮殿】謝謝您 !