..【 敏林堪千仁波切的開示:度母】

........................【 敏林堪千仁波切的開示:度母】96861965c75b0aa2d459421c6a0c0b22  

怙主  尊貴的敏林堪千仁波切已於6月24日開始進行為期壹個月的閉關!

The Eastern Sun 團隊為上師之閉關饒益眾生同感歡欣;願十方法友共同為敏林堪千仁波切祈祝閉關順利圓滿、


貝諾法王之寧瑪茉蘭千茉十日齋糧之籌募重任 ! ~~噯瑪伙 ! 願能使上師安心辦道 ‧僧眾專心修行~~




              卻像大海一樣     包容了我所有的苦澀煩憂
             敏林堪千仁波切摯愛的母親 ~~傑尊 德千旺嫫
             ~~ 端莊‧安詳‧嫻雅‧澀默 ~~
........................................................ 【敏林堪千仁波切的開示:母親】





Mother is someone to whom you should have endless gratitude. She suffered while she carried you in her womb; she was unable to work or eat comfortably, unable even to stand up and sit down without difficulty. Yet all the time she loved and cared for you. When you were born from the womb, were it not for the fact that you were actually breathing, you could scarcely have been called a living thing at all. You were not even strong enough to raise your head. Nevertheless your mother took you, this little thing which did not even know her, upon her lap to wash, clean and bring up lovingly. Later she put up with loss and disgrace on account of your misbehaviour, her only preoccupation being how to keep you alive. When she looks at you, she does not frown, but looks at you with loving eyes. Calling you her dear child, she has brought you up, protecting you from heat and cold and all the rest. In every way she has tried to bring about your happiness. Even if she could give you the kingdom of a universal ruler, she would still not be satisfied and would never think that she had given you enough. 

In fact, it is thanks to your mother that your precious human life exists at all. If she had not been there, who knows whether you would have attained it? Therefore you should be very grateful to her.

................【度母| Tara 】





" Tara" is a female Bodhisattva in Mahayana Buddhism who appear as a female Buddha in Vajrayana Buddhism. She is also known as a "Mother of Liberation" and represents virtues of success in work and Achievements. In Japan she is known as "Tarani Bosatsu".

Tara is a tantric "Meditation Diety" whose practice is used by the Tibetan branch of Vajrayana Buddhism to develop certain inner qualities and understand outer, inner and secret teachings about compassion and emptiness. 

GREEN TARA : Buddha of enlightened activity.

WHITE TARA : known for compassion, long life, healing and serenity. Also known as "Wish fulfilling wheel".

RED TARA :fierce aspects associated with magnetizing good things.

BLACK TARA : Associated with power.

YELLOW TARA : Associated with wealth and prosperity.

BLUE TARA : Asociated with transmutation of anger 

( 此二文已收錄於The Eastern Sun volume006 )

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