
寒天蕭颯的2014/1/22 日( Wed ) ,是 Khenpo Sherab Wangchuk 遠行的日子。


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( (( Farewell , Khenpo Sherab Wangchuk )) )

2014/1/22 日是 Khenpo Sherab Wangchuk 遠行的日子。
~阿姜查 ∕ Ajahn Chah Subhaddo

All happiness has gone,
Dark night has arrived.
Sobbed at this moment
Pause, while looking around
Soon after that
The journey stopped
And everything would be too late.


正值青盛之年,Khenpo Sherab Wangchuk 的倏忽離去,令人震驚傷懷。

也再次向吾人敲響了無常之鐘,提點我們切莫仰仗 (靠勢)自己時年尚長,或誤以為日常課誦即為無病長壽之護身命符。無常與細微之因果業力現前時,一切是毫不留情的呀!


喜繞旺楚堪布簡傳│Short Biography of Lt. Khenpo Sherab Wangchuk 

尊貴的 堪布喜繞旺楚出生於尼泊爾噶瑪容(Kamarong)的小村莊中的佛化家庭。其自幼即幫忙家裡料理養殖的事務。閒暇時間也學習西藏文法以及接受基本教育。十六歲那年,其於尼泊爾的寺院出家,並於此處學習了整套的儀軌及金剛舞。進而為了學習佛教哲理而至敏卓林寧瑪雅久佛學院(Ngagur Nyingma college, Mindroling)。  



堪布個性單純、為人謙遜,學生對他敬愛有加。他患病了好一陣子,但是直到最近才發現罹患了胃癌,然而為時已晚,已不及治療。而於2014119日凌晨的三時三十分辭別人世。三天後 ( 2014 / 1/ 22 ) 由金剛阿闍黎尊貴的敏林堪千仁波切、祖古、堪布、資深僧侶以及所有僧眾出席為其舉行荼毗儀式。 


Ven. Khenpo Sherab Wangchuk was born in a Buddhist family in Kamarong, a small village in Nepal. Till the age of 16 he stayed home and help his family with house chores like farming, etc. while at home he did his home study of Tibetan grammar and reading. At the age of 16, he joined a monastery in Nepal. He studied all the rituals and lama dances there. To further his knowledge to learn the philosophy of Buddhism, he joined Ngagur Nyingma college, Mindroling. 

He was excellent in his studies while he was in the college, never ever missed any classes, abide by the rules and regulations and above all he was one of the highest scores in annual exams.  

After his nine years of study, he graduated from the college but for his further gain experiences in guiding other students, for 3 to 4 years he taught in the college. And after 4 years of his teaching the students, by judging of his knowledge, character, his experience with the students, and above all as a dharma practioner, he was enthroned as Khenpo in the year 2013.  

He was very simple and humble Khenpo. All the students loved and respected him. 

He was ill for sometime but recently found out he was suffering from some kind of stomach cancer and too late for cure. He passed away on the 19th Jan at 3.30am. After 3 days was his funeral where Dorje Lopon H.E. Minling Khenchen Rinpoche, Tulkus, Khenpos, senior Lamas and all the monks attend the fire puja for Khenpo. 

 We all pray that may he born again as a great Dharma Practinoner and benefit all sentient beings. 

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 無常 │ 敏林千仁波切開示  




Impermanence │ Minling Khenchen Rinpoche  

Our lives are fragile and impermanent, and because death and its causes are uncertain, we may succumb at any moment. No one knows when, or how, death will come. No one knows when this life of ours will simply cease. There is not one thing in existence that is stable and lasts.  

In the past, when the Buddha was alive surrounded by multitudes of Arhats and when the teachings prospered, what buildings must their benefactors have built for them! It was all impermanent; there is nothing left to see now but an empty plain. In the same way, at the universities of Nalanda, thousands of panditas spent their time instructing enormous assemblies. All impermanent! Now, not even a single monk or volume of Buddha's teachings are to be found there.  

Therefore we should make up our minds that we will practise the Dharma instead of throwing our lives away in meaningless activities. We should use our human lives to accomplish the Buddha-dharma.It is like crossing the ocean in search of precious jewels and afterwards returning home with every kind of precious jewels; the difficulties of the trip will have been well rewarded. It would be a shame to come back empty-handed! If we have understanding of impermanence, we will be able to practise the sacred teachings. But if we continue to think that everything will remain as it is, it goes to show that an uncertainty of death has never touched our hearts. That is our mistake, our delusion.



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