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敏卓林佛學院於重建圓成一年後,首次,由佛學院所興建的福利社於 2017.6.20 隆重開幕。
此商店提供ㄧ般日常所需予僧眾及附近居民與遊客,但不販售服飾鞋具和任何含 動物食品或製品。

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敏林堪千仁波切於致詞時表示:設置福利社( Buddha Canteen )之目的,除了令僧眾與民眾易於此處購買日常所需,所獲之利潤將運用於佛學院的維修。

people who cultivate their appreciation celebrate daily !
凡事心存欣賞之人,每天都在慶祝 !


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One year after the completion of reconstruction of the Mindrolling Buddhist College, the grand opening of the first small store (canteen )set up by our Buddhist College was held today. This canteen provides daily necessities for our Buddhist monks 、nearby residents and tourists, but it does not sell clothing, shoes and food/products made of animals.

The purposes of this canteen are to bring convenience to the monks and general public for shopping necessities, and to utilize the profit made by the store for maintaining the Buddhist College.
New Reception Room also is completed . Because outsiders, lay people, and relatives and friends of the monks are not allowed to enter the dormitories of the college, the reception room will be offered to them for meeting and chatting.

Minling Khenchen Rinpoche wishing all our monks from the bottom of heart to be grateful to the donors for their support.
Wish each donor long life, well-being, peace and prosperity of life, regardless the amount of money he/she donated. For the deceased, wish them be reborn in Amitabha Pure Land.
All in all, when we are happy for the improvement of the external facilities of the Buddhist College, meanwhile, we wish our monks have more solid and extensive inner learning and practice.
May all be auspicious !

 更多2017薩嘎月佛學院活動 :

The Gifts of Life 9. June 2017 佛學院年度放生紀實


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