The Moment





法海淵洪寶積處,春風化雨,濟濟英才出 ~ 敏卓林佛學院 

當一個人完全解脫,心中充滿靜謐,所做已辦,知道自己不需再受輪迴之業,這就有如置於狂風中之巨石,不為所動;無論是任何形象、音聲、香氣、味道、觸感,無論是有欲還是無欲,皆無法再撼動其分毫。此人此際心中堅定,了無牽絆;當他明瞭世間所有一切對立,那麼世間再也無一物能令其起煩惱。這樣的人,心中盡無憤怒、無有憂傷,無有牽絆,完全超越生死輪迴。 這即是所謂的不來不去、不生不滅;再也沒有所謂的成、住、壞、空;苦與苦因從此斷絕。 ⋯⋯

是以,成為聖者的宗旨不在於乞求施捨、不在於沽名釣譽,也不在於追求完美道德、專注禪定、或是世俗的智慧。事實上,一顆毫不動搖的解脫之心,才是關鍵、才是聖者所要遵循的終極目標。~~~ 敏林堪千仁波切

For a disciple thus freed, in whose heart dwells peace, there is nothing to be added to what has been done, and naught more remains to do. Just as a rock of one solid mass remains unshaken by the wind, even so neither forms, nor sounds, nor odors, nor tastes, nor contacts of any kind, neither the desired nor the undesired can cause such a one to waver; one is steadfast in mind, gained is deliverance.

And one who hs considered all the contrasts of this earth, and is no more disturbed by anything whatever in the world, the Peaceful Once, freed from rage, from sorrow, and from longing, has passed beyond birth and decay.

This I call neither arising, nor passing away, neither standing still, nor bein born, nor dying. There is neither foothold, nor development, nor any basis. This is the end of suffering.

Hence, the purpose of the Holy life does not consist in acquiring alms, honor, or fame, nor in gaining morality, concentration, or the eye of knowledge. That unshakable deliverance of the heart: that, indeed, is the object of the Holy Life, that is its essence, that is its goal. .~~H.H.Minling Khenchen Rinpoche



佛陀幸臨娑婆轉法輪,願教法住世興盛而廣播 !

願上師長久住世 ~ 常轉法輪,饒益有情 !



青青子衿,悠悠我心 ─ 敏卓林佛學院之初創與今日






時近九點,在居高處看見較年輕的札巴們,和一些長者居士,瑜伽士等,一群群走到佛學院大門。隨眾至大門後,方知門外最前方,仁波切與喇嘛們正在進行一些誦持,法樂隨後響起,大門開啟。。 。此際門外等待的僧眾居士們,紛紛報以熱烈掌聲! 啊,真是動人心弦,好不容易啊 !













感謝有您 ─

 法海淵洪寶積處,春風化雨,濟濟英才出 ~ 敏卓林佛學院新校舍啟用紀事 

噯瑪伙 !

敬愛的仁者善友 :

    欣喜的共您分享 ─「前譯派高級佛學院‧經續善說州」 ( 雅久寧瑪佛學院 )於2016年 6月20 日,舉行啟用典禮了 !

    舊有的敏卓林佛學院,由於往昔啟建時,資源不足,故而結構材料先天不良,在時空天候之浸摧下,呈現出劣牆朽樑受浸闕漏與建物安全結構之危虞,加以學僧倍增,居處已然不足,故而尊貴的上師 敏林堪千仁波切 ( Minling Khenchen Rinpoche│敏卓林佛學院院長 ),於接續貝諾法王供養寧瑪派茉蘭千茉大法會之三年齋糧的任務圓滿後,再次獨自扛起了敏卓林佛學院的重建工程。

自2012年的五月展開了拆除舊舍與重建的,歷經了多次原物料加漲與增闢建設等,追加預算的同時,往往也面臨了勸募不足之困窘。四年來重建工期漫漫,仁波切忍辱負重;三寶護佑,總在蕭瑟處 ─ ─ 十步芳草,因著仁者善友們的善意,度過種種與重重障難。

    故於藏曆(潤)四月十五(2016.6.20)吉祥殊勝日,佛學院新校舍舉行了啟用開光典禮。典禮上,尊貴的闊千仁波切( H.E khochen Rinpoche )對敏卓林流亡至印度後的佛學院沿革及未來的期許做了演說,感謝於草創之前與創校之初,諸如嘉謝仁波切、達波仁波切等於教學上之奉獻。尊貴的上師  敏林堪千仁波切( H.H.Minling Khenchen Rinpoche )更是語重心長的期勉僧眾們感懷一切,並能鄭重地迴向。

    官方部落格團隊之許居士前往觀禮,並由敏卓林佛學院的堪布會議決議 ( Mindroling College conference│新任主席: 堪布汪謙 Khenpo Wangchen ),於啟用典禮中,由尊貴的闊千仁波切( H.E khochen Rinpoche )頒發致謝獎狀予許居士,肯定官方部落格團隊 ( 敏林堪千台灣辦事處 )為敏林堪千仁波切與佛學院之各項事務及重建工程之經費的奔走與努力。典禮上,佛學院僧眾亦有一段精彩的辯經,聽眾席之僧俗四眾不時抱以微笑與熱烈掌聲。典禮於隆重莊嚴下禮成,隨即於佛學院草坪上,大眾歡喜自助午宴 ,吉祥圓滿 ! 

    佛學院學舍啟用後,第二階段的重建工程 ─ 佛學院之佛殿暨圖書館( 於大殿之二樓 ),也隨即於七月十三日展開破土動工的儀式;敬祈十方善德,能一如既往的護持此善業。讓我們向您深深一鞠躬 ─ 感懷一切識與不識,已知、未知,直接、間接,默默護持、或置身事內的奔走協助,以及祝福我們的大德 ! 世界一合相,願共歡喜,一切吉祥 !



敏林堪千仁波切( H.H.Minling Khenchen Rinpoche │敏卓林佛學院校長) 於佛學院落成開光典禮,對僧眾之演說| 2016.6.20 | Mindrolling India )


雖然今天是新佛學院的開光啟用典禮( 2016.6.20 ),可是我認為這不只是一個開光儀式,或是大家只抱著慶祝的心情;

取而代之的,大家應打自心底認真的為此盛事( 落成啟用 )做迴向。

為什麼我(敏林堪千仁波切 ) 要重建佛學院呢?



所以,大家應思及: 能夠成辦此佛學院,這並非易事。

 特別是,我們的佛學院新增許多建設,造價並非低廉,多次透支預算 ,此中有多少人的付出與努力,以及對佛法的信念、冀盼。 是以,我祈盼各位,請為今天(佛學院)的啟用,好好的祝禱迴向 !

--- 尊貴的上師 敏林堪千仁波切( 敏卓林佛學院校長) 於佛學院落成開光典禮,對僧眾之演說 | 2016.6.20 | Mindrolling India




Although it’s the inauguration ceremony of our new Buddhist Institute today ( 2016.6.20 ), I don’t take it as a mere opening ceremony or a mere celebration. Instead, we ought to hold a merits transference for such an auspicious event.

Why is it so important to build up such a Buddhist Institute? For I believed learning is the only path to get into the profound knowledge of the Buddhist Tipitaka. To be able to aid our student monks with a safe and favorable learning environment, once and again, I have to ask for assistance from people .

 For some, even though they are not monetarily rich, or also in some of their own difficulties and problems , but they have been really generously helping us all along.

Therefore, either small or generous donations, they come all because of their faith and /or hope in Buddha Dharma. For some, by giving dana for the construction of the institute, they hope the accumulation of such merits could ultimately lead them to the Pure Land one day. And some could be doing so in hope that they could get rid of whatever hindrances they are encountering and so their wish could soon come true. It is never an easy task to get the institution into operation owing to many factors, especially when many a time, the construction items and raw materials had exceeded our original budget, so the building cost was not cheap, as a result , we had to face financially difficulties.

Therefore, we have to bear in mind all those who willingly help up with this project, and those who have strong faith and hope in the Buddha Dharma.

 Therefore, as a cerebration for this inauguration, kindly pray and transfer all merits you have accumulated.

 ─H.H.Minling Khenchen Rinpoche│ The opening speech --The inauguration ceremony of Ngagyur Nyingma College 2016 .6. 20


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