
A Brief Explanation of Vajrasattva Mantra Recitation:


哈 哈 哈 哈 火
(為金剛薩埵的誓願、四無量、四種歡喜和百字明的所有意涵,法喜充滿! ) 







從事金剛薩埵的修持時,包括禪修以及咒語持誦,將皈依以及迴向功德的祈禱文包括在內是很重要的事。傳統上,在做任何修持之前,會以信心以及虔誠的祈請文做為開始,皈依佛(精神導師)、法(佛陀的教法)、僧(修行團體)三寶及自己個別的精神指導上師(藏語:喇嘛)。對於不熟悉佛法修持以及唱誦的人,可以於開始唸出聲音,或是在心裡默唸,回想進行修持的動機─ 對於根源於修持慈悲的靈性生活方式,以及希望解除眾生的痛苦而皈依的強烈渴望。接著再持誦咒語。可以使用祈請文─衷心地希望修持的任何正面結果迴向於利益所有眾生來簡單地圓滿一座修持 。

─ 尊貴的第九任敏林堪千仁波切



Photo story │ 圖為2015/8/30 敏林金薩灌頂

敏林堪千仁波切: 修誦金剛薩埵以淨化所有的業障 (1)


如若以鏡照物,重要的是必須見及清淨的鏡面;如是同樣重要的亦是去除吾人業障,於是證悟即可如同鏡面映射一般顯現。沒有不能經由懺悔加以淨化的有害惡行,如同往昔大師們所申明的:惡行唯一的功德是其可經由懺悔加以淨化。 所有的惡行中,也許是外在破損了別解脫戒,內在違背菩提心戒,或是密層違犯了密續三昧耶,儘管是極為嚴重的,但卻沒有一樣是無法經由懺悔加以淨化的。      

於經典中,佛陀述說了幾個例證以闡明此點。例如關於婆羅門阿塔巴的故事,也就是眾人熟知的央掘摩羅(其名意為「指鬘」)。央掘摩羅曾殺了九百九十九人,但 之後卻經由懺悔清淨了己身的諸多惡行,並在一生中獲得阿羅漢果位。另外也有阿闍世王殺了自己父親的事例,但其後亦經由懺悔而彌補己之罪業,只經歷了一顆球 反彈的時間那般的地獄之苦,得到解脫。

怙主龍樹菩薩說:「如有人初始漫不經心,但稍後謹慎且警覺,則一如自雲層中湧現出的明月那般美麗,就像是難陀、央掘摩羅、達卡以及桑卡拉」 然而,淨化唯有以正確的方式真誠懺悔,運用「四力」對治方能成辦。如果你的眼睛、嘴巴被其他的事物佔據,或者只是口中唸著經文:「我承認……我懺悔…… 嗡、…」但內心卻忙於追逐其他念頭,或者想著:「以後,就算我又違犯了戒律也沒關係,因為可以違犯了以後再進行懺悔」,如此即使再行懺罪,淨化的過程完全 無法發生任何作用。

藏地大成就者至尊密勒說:  「你可能會懷疑懺悔可以淨化惡行  但當你的想法轉化為正面時,你已獲得淨化!」



【2015 金剛乘懺罪共修--敏林金剛薩埵禪修導引與心咒共修】


9| 5 ~ 9 | 6(六 ~ 日)| 14 :00-17:00 | 中山藝文空間│台北市南京西路3610 |淡水線 - 中山站(一號出口 ) & 象山線 - 中山站 ( 六號出口 )

心咒又稱為 “ 心的保護者 ”,持咒或念誦佛號能夠讓我們的心不外散。通過長期、耐心的訓練,我們會慢慢習慣把越來越多的注意力放在持誦的心咒或佛號上,
~ 希阿榮博堪布

一 不留 神處,行者十分容易破損三昧耶。鑒於顯教常見諸多拜懺之共修法行,而金剛乘則較少類此共修,於此五濁惡世更盛之刻,舉行金剛薩埵之懺罪共修實為重要。此 外,欲修持好夢瑜伽,需於基礎上清淨己業,故願有心領受夢瑜伽之行者,能先行以誠心參與此金剛薩埵之共修。以期遣除領受教法之違緣,並增益上緣與利他。尊 貴的敏林堪千仁波切將於此共修活動中,教導與帶領金剛薩埵之修持,並與大家共同持此心咒。望十方共諦此善,踴躍參與!




H.H.Minling Khenchen Rinpoche –

A Brief Explanation of Vajrasattva Mantra Recitation:

Vajrasattva (Tib. Dorje Sempa) is the main deity purification practice in the Vajrayana tradition. This Buddha is white in color, symbolizing purity, and holds a dorje (vajra) at this heart and a bell at his hip, signifying the union of skillful means and wisdom. Recitation of Vajrasattva’s mantra brings great benefit to the practitioner and has the effect of clearing obstacles, deluded habitually tendencies, conflicting emotions, negative habits of all kinds and unresolved karmic debts.

The visualization of Vajrasattva’s image and the recitation of the mantra are utilized in many Vajrayana practices, both preliminary and advanced. Vajrasattva recitation is an important aspect of the preliminary practices or ngondro, and there are many deity generation or kye-rim practices in all four schools of Vajrayana Buddhism focused on the practice of Vajrasattva.

If one wishes to undertake this practice on a regular basis, receiving an initiation or empowerment, a reading transmission and instructional teachings from a qualified Buddhist teacher are necessary prerequisites. However, if one aspires to engage in Buddhist practice and Vajrasattva in particular, one may recite the mantra until such time that the empowerment can be received, and Vajrasattva rituals may be attended.

If this is the case, seek out the advice and guidance of a Vajrayana Buddhist lama. As well, when someone is dying or has passed on and we wish to offer support, it is appropriate and beneficial to recite either of Vajrasattva’s mantras, the six-syllable or the one hundred-syllable mantra.

The practice of repeating the Vajrasattva’s mantra includes what is known as the “Four Powers”. While reciting the mantra and visualizing the deity above the crown of one’s head, one alternately contemplates these as the way to purify obstructions and obscurations. These four are: 1) The power of the object, that is reliance on Vajrasattva as the refuge; 2) The power of the release, meaning the desire to cleanse oneself of negativity, involving reflection on faults and mistakes that we wish to purity; 3) The power of remedy, referring to single-pointed focus on the practice, which entails repetition of the mantra and visualizing the descent of the white light from the deity into you; and 4) the power of indestructible determination which is the firm resolve, based in wisdom, to never repeat such thoughts, speech or actions again.

When engaging in Vajrayana practices, including meditation and mantra recitation, it is crucial to include both a prayer of refuge and a dedication of merit. Traditionally, one begins with a prayer of faith and devotion, taking refuge in the Three Jewels of the Buddha (spiritual guide), Dharma (teachings) and Sangha (community of practitioners) and one’s spiritual guide or teacher (Tib. lama) before engaging in any practice. Those unfamiliar with Buddhist practice and chanting may initially recall, either vocally or in one’s mind, the motivation to engage in the practice – the aspiration to take refuge in a spiritual way of life rooted in the practice of compassion and the wish to relieve all beings of suffering. Then following the mantra recitation, one would simply recall, in prayer, the heartfelt desire that any positive results from the practice be dedicated to the benefit of all beings


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