

常言道:「健康就是財富。」我思考著僧侶維持健康的重要性;經過深思,我認為練習瑜伽不僅能為僧眾的健康帶來莫大益處,對日常的儀式學習與學問研究亦將有 所助益。鑒於瑜伽的起源與根本,非常適合僧眾學習,故而邀請 Ven. Lobsang Dondhen擔任我們的瑜伽老師。

【編按 】這是近兩年來,於敏卓林佛學院連損兩名新堪布後,敏林堪千仁波切念茲在茲,所思擬與落實僧眾健康之方法。感謝敏林堪千仁波切的用心辦學,任重而道遠,是願以此善緣,佛門龍象身體強健,饒利來日弘法事業!


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【有關 Ven. Lobsang Dondhen】
Ven. Lobsang Dondhen於1959年出生於西藏南部洛札(Lhodrak ) 。如同許多西藏難民,其於印度接受教育,學習藏文、文學以及現代學科。於1977年,他很幸運地獲准進入達蘭薩拉的佛教辯論學院(Buddhist School of Dialectic),之後並取得佛學哲學碩士學位。
2002年他被診斷出患有肝炎,因此激發其至印度哈里瓦(Haridwar) 德拉敦(Dehradun)的帕坦伽利瑜伽中心(Patanjali Yoga Center),向瑜伽大師(Swami Ram Dev)學習瑜伽。爾後他精通瑜伽,肝炎也痊癒了;其體認練習瑜伽為其帶來健康。之後他旅居義大利,並在當地教授瑜多年。



⊙ photo story | Yoga training |Ven. Lobsang Dondhen and mindrolling college students 2015 .6.7
Yoga in Mindroling

On 7th June, 2015, yoga session began in Mindrolling monastery. Monks spend most of the time studying rituals or philosophies and attending ceremonies without thinking about their health. Due to lack of enough exercises, some of them get sick, and some of the best Khenpos passed away because of critical illness.
As the saying “Health is Wealth”, I had thought about the importance for monks to keep healthy. After giving monks’ health a lot of thought, I think monks would benefit the most from doing yoga not only for their health but also for their daily practices and studies. The origins and fundamental of yoga suit monks, so we invited Ven. Lobsang Dondhen to be our Yoga instructor.--Minling Khenchen Rinpoche


【Ven. Lobsang Dondhen】
Ven. Lobsang Dhonden was born in Lhodak, Tibet, in 1959. Like many Tibetan refugees, he was educated in India. He was able to study Tibetan language and literature as well as the modern subjects. He was very fortunate to gain admission to the Buddhist School of Dialectic in Dharamsala in 1977. He received the equivalent of a master’s degree in Buddhist Philosophy. In 2002, Lama Lobsang Dhonden was diagnosed with hepatitis, which inspired him to study yoga with Yoga guru Swami Ram Dev at Patanjali Yoga Center in Haridwar, Dehradun. He eventually mastered the yoga practice, and no longer suffers from disease. He attributes his excellent health to the practice of yoga. Later he immigrated to Italy, where he has taught yoga for many years.




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