
 ''對佛陀做些外相的供養禮敬是無用的, 意識造作與勤勇所在之處,就沒有佛陀。
真實上師之恩的剎那體驗,就在幸運之人的身上,但他是否知道呢 ? ''


庫庫里巴尊者 (Kukkuripa) 為婆羅門,生於迦毗羅衛城(Kapilavastu),自幼聰穎,對金剛乘密續已產生堅定信心,由於嚮往行者自在的生活,故而便捨棄俗務,以瑜伽士自居。他看到一隻飢餓轆轆的母狗,心生憐憫,決定收養牠。為了照顧此狗,他在荒郊山洞安頓下來,除了要外出乞食之外,全心全意留在洞內的禪修。


天人挽留著 ~「你已證得如此神通力,為何仍然牽掛著一條母狗,執著放不下?請你留下來吧!」天人力勸庫庫里巴的執著及熱情地挽留他。


( 善哉!善哉!你證明了自己的價值,戰勝誘惑,回返成就無上力量。
天人的神通實乃虛妄,因其尚具自我概念,會壞失的快樂絕無殊勝可言。現在賜予無上智慧,那是無有外漏的無染淨樂 。)

── 愛狗之人庫庫里巴 / 八十四成就者傳  
但他是否知道呢 ?─庫庫里巴尊者 ( 愛狗之人 )」
庫庫里巴(Kukkuripa)另譯為寂賢大師、桑帝巴札( Santibhadra ),其為馬爾巴尊者的主要上師之一。

Kukkuripa ─ “The Dog Lover”

Kukuripa, a Brahmin from Kapilavastu who was puzzled over the problems of existence came to place his trust in Tantra, and in time chose the path of renunciation. He began his itinerant career by beffing his way slowly toward the caves of Lumbini.

One day, on his journey, he heard a soft whining in the bushes. When he investigated, he found a puppy so starved that she could no longer stand. Taking pity of the creature, he carried her with him on his journey, sharing the contents of his begging bowl, and watching with delight as she began to grow strong and healthy.

The two were often each other’s company and while Kukkuripa was in the continuous recitation of his mantra, the 12 years passed so quickly. The yogin then attained the magical powers of prescience and divine insight. The gods of the 33 Sensual Heavens noticed and invited him to their paradise to celebrate his achievements. He accepted the invitation and embarked upon a ceaseless round of self-indulgent feasting and pleasure.

While on earth, his faithful dog waited patiently for Kukkuripa, finding food only places close to the cave. On Kukkuripa’s side, despite all the luxury, he has not forgotten his loving companion and misses her dearly. Again and again he told the gods he had to return but they kept persuading him to stay. One day, he looked down from the heavens and realized his loyal dog was pining for him. Kukkuripa’s heart ached for her and immediately, he descended from paradise to rejoin her in the cave.

The dog was filled with joy when she saw Kukkuripa, but as soon as he sat down and begin to scratch her favorite spot, she vanished. There before him, stood a radiantly beautiful Dakini. She praised him for overcoming temptation and taught him how to achieve the symbolic union of skillful means and perfect insight. He soon attained the state of supreme realization, and for a long time he engaged in selfless service. In due time, he ascended to the Paradise of the Dakinis with a vast entourage of disciples.

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