生生世世在佛法上的迭替師承,已非任何的情感所可概括蔽之.....它涵蘊藏融著佛陀的心志、以及世代精神的昇華與救贖 ~~~ ( 第九世敏林堪千仁波切 與 闊千仁波切於米滂仁波切之紀念法會~~ 梵唱聲中 ,米滂尊者是否正走入肅穆堂殿,笑著融入虛無的胸臆  ? ) 


    尊貴的 敏林堪千仁波切主持堪布任命大典 

................................敏林堪千仁波切的開示: 業~~ Karma :


Karma │




業可分為三大根源:即業種;因緣 (助緣),例如成長的條件;以及業果,也就是最後的結果。但既然所有未來因緣條件皆出自業果,就如同業果出自業因,那麼我們就無法將業因和業果完全切割,因為它們是彼此互相牽扯的。唯一能夠區分二者的,是根據分別心產生變化的時間順序。為了提高我們的理解,我們可以根據修行法門,將業報系統分為各個階段。然而,我們是否能夠了知業因與業果之間的關係,從而可能讓我們經由個人的意願,自業果造作新的業因。










 (本文已收錄於The Eastern Sun Volume 006 )



 Karma is the activity of cause and result. All being with dualistic mind are continually creating karma. Karmic activity always come from causes and goes to results. These results again create causes. Only Buddha do not have karma. 
The idea of karma appeals to some people because it seems to mean to them that they will not really die, but will reincarnate in another form. But in Buddhism, it is pointless to just believe in the continuity to ordinary mind without recognizing awareness mind. Karma is created within dualistic mind, so it does not mean anything to just accept that it exists . There is no understanding of how to be released from karma and one does not even know where one will be reborn. This kind of idea may cause more circling in dullness and staying in samsara.As long as karma exists, we must try to change negative karma to positive karma. This does not mean that karma is what we want, but that we want to go beyond.
Karma can be divided into the three categories of root circumstances, such as seeds; contributing circumstances, such as conditions for growth; and results, such as fruit. But since all future circumstances come from results, just as seeds come from fruit, we cannot entirely separate root circumstances from results because they perpetually depends on each other. The only discrimination which can be made between them is according to changes of aspect that occur within dualistic mind’s sequence of time. In order to increase our understanding, we can separate the stages of the karmic system according to the path of practice. But whether or not we know the relation between particular root circumstances and their results, it is possible for us to create new root circumstances from any result through intention.
The implications of karmic relationships may not be seen due to our perspective, since we cannot be sure whether something is a cause or a result except within a particular context. Karmic result may or may not ripen within the same lifetime in which they are created.
Karma is formed through the four conditions of basis, intentions, application, and completion. In the example of aversion, the basis is the object of aversion, the intention is the wish to destroy the object, the application is the connection of the intention and the object in actually destroying the object, and the completion is the destruction of the object. The gathering of the four conditions depends on the energy of the intention, and all four are necessary.
Through karmic habit , sentient beings remain in a cycle of inverted phenomena created by inverted perceptions, like a circle of fire appearing to a child watching a whirling torch. Sublime beings who ha ve wisdom mind see uninverted appearance with uninverted perception, so perception and appearance become the pure reflection of display.
To change karmic habits, we must change our perception so that instead of continually being caught by our creations of distorted phenomena, we can transform our perception through creating pure  phenomena to go beyond all inverted perception and appearance, which is stainless Buddha.
Karma is continuous until enlightenment is attained. The only difference is in whether negative or positive karma is caused, which depends on individual intention and activity. As long as sentient beings remain within karmic time and place, they will wander between the lower and higher realms of samsaric phenomena. By understanding and believing in karma, we can have the great intention to create positive conceptions, habits, and karma so that through transcending karmic time and place, we abide in Buddha’s appearance.
As Buddha said:
  "You can have rebirth in higher or god realms, but without the intention to reach enlightenment, you cannot reach enlightenment. But with intention, you can definitely reach enlightenment."




..........【敏林堪千仁波切自印度捎來叮嚀 ~~提醒十方留意H1N1,並望您保重 !】 




國際上發生H1N1新型流感病例地區為: 尼泊爾、美洲、墨西哥、曼谷、香港、中國大陸、台灣、西藏、不丹、孟加拉、馬來西亞、新加坡、南美、南非、斯里蘭卡、德國、韓國、日本等地。








願各位大德做好相關防護措施並請保重 !


H1N1 cases have crossed more than 400 cases in India and more than millions internationally.

The cases were detected in Delhi, Chennai, Bangalore, Pune, Hyderabad, Rishikesh, Kolkata, Bihar, Darjeeling, Siliguri.

International countries like Nepal, America, Mexico, Bangkok, Hong kong, China, Taiwan, Tibet, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Singapore, South America, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Germany, Korea, Japan and many more are also infected by the flu. 

In Dehradun the doctors has detected positive swine flu cases.

Swine flu is very contagious. Government is taking strict measures to control it. We should also take measures.

Symptoms for swine flu are fever, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, sore throat, chills, coughing..

People affected by swine flu will show the symptoms after four to five days.

There is no vaccination for this flu and the researches are working on it which will take another four to five months.

As the winter is approaching it is becoming more prone to be affected by the flu.

To minimize the chances of getting affected by swine flu wear face mask, wash hands frequently, stay away from people who have arrived from abroad, affected patients and school kids. 

Take good care of yourself and each other. 

§ 相關延伸閱讀


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【敏林堪千仁波切的非有非無‧中觀 ( 5  )http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/theeasternsun-khenchen/article?mid=2135&prev=2145&next=2125&l=f&fid=16

【敏林堪千仁波切的非有非無‧中觀 ( 6  )


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