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敏卓林敏林堪千仁波切捎來的叮嚀 : 返觀內省和檢視動機是非常重要的。如果你能導正動機,善巧方便就會融入遍滿你實際的行為,你就步上了賢哲(佛陀與菩薩)之道 !


敏林堪千仁波切問弟子 : 「學習了這些年,你的菩提心真的增長了嗎 ?


 (◕‿◕✿)*¸¸.•*歡迎點閱 敏卓林堪千仁波切官方部落格3月16日於臉書創刊的新網頁  : )(◕‿◕✿)*¸¸.•* 請惠賜個『讚』喔 ! 


◎本官方部落格為敏林堪千仁波切與The EasternSun Group唯一公認之官方中文網站 ( 請於敏林堪千仁波切英文官網 port.htm 徵信) ;並沒有以「部落格名」成立「相似名稱之佛學會」。

懇請十方善信支持敏林堪千仁波切官方部落格多年來的默默努力 ~ 為善護心念,誠摯祈請您的護持相挺,感恩您 !


唯願 :永具菩提心 !

Before You begin Any Action   在你造作任何行為之前








發願─以我持誦咒語的祝福(加持),平息或摧毀所有眾生的痛苦,並使他們的願望能獲得實現。 敏林堪千仁波切 


What makes an action good or bad?

Not how it looks, nor whether it is big or small,

But the good or evil motivation behind it.


No matter how many teachings one has received, no matter how many retreats one has done, no matter how many mantras one has recited, no matter how many wealth one has offered or give to needy people, if the motivation is selfish or for self gain - the action is not good. But if the motivation is good or selfless, even doing one mantra or just making small offering the benefit is limitless, immeasurable.


So first of all, before you begin any action, it is very important to turn inside and check your motivation. If you can correct your motivation, skilful means will permeate your positive actions, and you will have set out on the path of great beings (Buddha and Bodhisattuvas). If you cannot correct your motivation, you might think that you are studying and practicing dharma, doing many mantras but it will be no more then a semblance of the real thing. Therefore, whenever you listen to teachings, or practice the dharma, be it meditating on a deity, doing prostration or circumambulating, or reciting a mantra- even a single OM MANI PADMAY HUNG - it is always essential to give rise to bodhicitta.


So, when ever you begin the mantra always think of all the sentient beings who are suffering at the moment through different kind of ways, their helplessness, their confusions, their sorrows and then arise Bodhicitta. Make aspirations - By the blessing of this mantra that I am reciting pacifies or destroy all the suffering of all beings and may their wishes be fulfilled.─  Minling Khenchen Rinpoche  



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