
尊貴的  敏卓林堪千仁波切於六月28日再次前往越南的河內與胡志明市弘法。傳授了蓮師與度母等灌頂法要,僧俗四眾無不法喜充滿 ! ( 圖 為仁波切與其母親 傑尊 德千旺嫫 )



I believe in love at first sight ...because , I love my mom since I Opened my eyes !

我相信一見鍾情。因為,當我睜開雙眼時,就愛上了我的母親 !



無論你何時看到仁波切的母親,她總是一抹溫咰如暖陽般的微笑,融化你的憂傷她時時刻刻轉著經輪,偶不防的瞥視你,眼裡笑著,願意予你她最殷切的祝福 !禮敬  傑尊德千旺嫫 ! http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/theeasternsun-khenchen/article?mid=1056&prev=1234&l=f&fid=18)


meditating and reciting on Vajrasattva to cleanse all obscuration(2)  

The Four powers for confession

修誦金剛薩埵以淨化所有的業障 (2) 懺悔四力  

The four powers are the power of support, the power of regretting having done wrong, the power of resolution and the power of action as an antidote. 

1.     The power of support: In this context, the support is provided by takin refuge in Vajrasattva and cultivating the intention and application aspects of bodhicitta. In other cases, the support would be the particular object to which you address your confession. When you recite the confession of the Sutra in threet Heaps, for example, the power of support is provided by the Thity-five Buddhas. It could also be a teacher, or a representation  of the body, speech or mind of the Buddhas-in short, anyone or anything in whose presence you confess . 

Before any confession arousing the bodhcitta of intention and application is indispensable. The Buddha taught that confessing your evil deeds and downfalls without arousing bodhicitta, even though you might apply the four powers, will reduce your faults but not purify them altogether. Sincerely giving rise to bodhicita however, will of itself purify all past misdeeds, whatever they be. In THe Way of the Bodhisattva, Santideva says of bodhicitta: 

As though they pass through perils guarded by a hero,

Even those weighed down with dreadful wickedness

Will instantly be eed through having bodhicitta

Who then would not place his trust in it?

Just as by fires at the end of time

Great sins are utterly consumed by bodhicitta.




此處所云之依止力,指的是皈依金剛薩埵,以及發起願菩提心和行菩提心。( 即世俗菩提心)

此外,依止力也可能是某個特定所欲懺悔的對境。舉例來說 :當誦持《三聚經》的懺悔文時,三十五佛所提供的皈依(依止)依止者,或是己之上師,或是諸佛聖尊的身、語、意。簡而言之,即是吾人所依止並懺悔的對境。 



寂天菩薩曾於《入菩薩行》( 第一品)菩提心利益中云



 覺心如劫火剎那毀諸罪 ! 」

                                                                    ( 待續 )




各位仁者 :《修誦金剛薩埵以淨化所有的業障》的系列短文,是尊貴的敏林堪千仁波切為鼓勵大家於此全球瀕傳天災時際,能夠更加注重懺罪之重要、並發心修誦金剛薩埵,而於百忙中特別撥冗親書的短文。


願各位仁者不負上師殷盼…祝願各位仁者與金剛薩埵本尊相應 !

◕‿◕✿)*¸¸.•*歡迎點閱 敏卓林堪千仁波切官方部落格臉書網頁  : http://www.facebook.com/mindroling )(◕‿◕✿)*¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Thank you !


本官方部落格為敏林堪千仁波切與The EasternSun Group唯一公認之官方中文網站 ( 請於敏林堪千仁波切英文官網www.khenchenrinpoche.org/2-sup port.htm 徵信) ;並未以「部落格名」成立「相似名稱之佛學會」。

懇請十方支持「敏林堪千官方部落格─敏林堪千仁波切的達瑪師利語自在秘密宮殿」多年來的默默努力 ~ 感恩您 !


唯願 :永具菩提心 !





敏林堪千仁波切親書 : 修誦金剛薩埵以淨化所有的業障 (1)




敏林堪千仁波切開示: 當下比過去和未來重要












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